Base Knowledge
Statistics (1st semester).
Teaching Methodologies
Throughout the semester, students will receive theoretical support , so that they can better follow the explanation of the subjects taught. The use of applied exercises requires students to closely monitor the progress of the subjects. The clarification of questions is done in fixe schedule or in time to be arranged. The NONIO platform is used in the transmission and organization of support to school materials as well as through interaction teacher / student and among students.
Learning Results
Development and improvement of theoretical and technical expertise required to develop a research project, with clear indication of the objectives and hypotheses to be tested, as well as to build a research plan, respecting the conditions necessary to establish the validity of the results, including the operationalization of the variables and careful preparation of instructions / protocols. Therefore, at the end of this curriculum unit, the student should be able to define research questions adequately; carry out bibliographic searches suitable for the investigation work; apply study design typologies properly ; apply participant selection methods; perform statistical data using statistical software (SPSS); interpret and evaluate research articles critically.
. Scientific Research: goals and context. (2 hours)
. Scientific research methodologies and their application to the health. (2 hours)
. Research Quality. (2 hours).
. Stages of scientific investigation. (7 hours)
. Formulation of the research question and bibliographic research. (6 hours)
. Study design. (4 hours)
. Accuracy, validity, random errors and systematic errors. (6 hours)
. Sampling and determination of sample size. (4 hours)
. Statistical analysis of data using SPSS. (9 hours)
. Evaluation (3 hours)
Curricular Unit Teachers
Referências primárias:
Cubo Delgado, S., Martín Marín, B., & Ramos Sánchez, J. (2011). Métodos de Investigación y Análisis de Datos en
Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud (Pirámide Ed.). Madrid: Pirámide.
Fortin, Marie-Fabienne. (2009). Fundamentos e etapas do processo de Investigação. Loures: Lusodidacta.
Pocinho M.(2012). Metodologia de Investigação e Comunicação do Conhecimento Científico. Lidel.
Ribeiro, J. L. (2010). Metodologias de Investigação em Psicologia e Saúde (3ª ed.). Porto: Legis.
Stephen B. Hulley, Steven R. Cummings, Warren S. Browner, Deborah Grady Norman Hearst, Thomas B. Newman (2000); Designing Clinical Research , Williams and Wilkins