Research Methodologies and Citizen Science

Base Knowledge

Non applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical and practical classes. Practical tasks carried out individually or in group.

Learning Results

The goal of the Course Unit consists in supplying the necessary tools for successfully planning and implementing  scientific and pedagogical tasks  based on the following  assertions:

1.develop writing competences in a scientific and pedagogical context;

2.enhance the lexicon of specific terminologies;

3.foster critical skills through the careful  collection, analysis, selection and treatment of information;

4.use new technologies at the service of Education and research.


1.The structure of dissertations projects and activity reports.

2.The issue of plagiarism and its implications.

3.Quotations: the concept, its types, and how to reference the source.

4.How to summarise scientific work and choose keywords.

5.How to process information gathered online or in print: creating bibliographical references.

6.The importance of using digital platforms and social media: some examples.

7.The principles of citizen science.

8.The participation in citizen science.

9.Creation of collaborative environments through citizen science.

10.Teaching and learning with social media.

11.Citizen science in the formulation and implementation of policies.

12. Building competences in citizen science.

13. Transforming students in citizen scientists.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua e periódica
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
Exame final
  • - Exam - 100.0%




APA (2019). Publication manual of the American psychological association. The official guide to APA style. (7th ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ashby, M. (2005). How to write a paper. (6th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Cerezo, J. A. L.; Garcia, M. I. G. (2013). Fronteras de la ciência. Hibridaciones. Editorial Biblioteca Nueva.

Guevara, M. A. H. (2018). La conspiración de la ignorancia. Una reflexión sobre el progreso y sus paradojas. Editorial Comares.

Irwin, A. (1997). Ciência cidadã. Um estudo das pessoas – Especialização e desenvolvimento sustentável. Instituto Piaget.

Katz, M. J. (2009). From research to manuscript. A guide to scientific writing. (2nd ed.). Springer.

Marçal, D. (2014). Pseudociência.  Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Oliveira, L.A. (2016). Dissertação e tese em ciência e tecnologia segundo Bolonha. Guia de boas práticas. (3ª ed.). Lidel.

Oliveira, L.A (2018). Escrita científica. Da folha em branco ao texto final. Guia de boas práticas para dissertações, teses e publicações de investigação. Lidel.

Tischler, M.A. (s/d). Scientific writing booklet. University of Arizona.

Thompson, D. F. (2010). The democratic citizen. Social science and democratic theory in the 20th century. Cambridge University Press.