Research Methodologies

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes are expository, demonstrative, and dynamic, integrating:
1) combination of systematic expositions of information and knowledge with critical analyses, based on scientific articles;
2) practical work;
3) data analysis supported by specific software.

Students can choose the type of assessment, which can be continuous, or by exam.

1) Continuous assessment tests
a) Individual work – 50.0%
b) Individual knowledge test – 50.0%
2) Exam:
a) Individual work – 20.0%
b) Individual knowledge test – 80.0%
In none of the cases is it possible to have less than 9.5 to pass the curricular unit (UC)

Learning Results

For a successful education towards health, all students must:
1. Acquire knowledge that will allow them to conceive, propose, conduct, analyse, write, publish and communicate the results of an empirical study.
2. Be able to critically evaluate and analyse studies and research.
3. Be able to recognize the tools needed to manage and analyse the data collected from your own research.
4. Be able to write critical and integrative reviews of specific research questions in health education.
5. Be able to base health education interventions on empirically tested knowledge or evidence from their own empirical assessments.


1. The design, proposal, conduction, analysis and writing of an empirical study.
2. Quantitative and qualitative research methods: epistemological assumptions and procedures.
3. Construction and presentation of a research work: definition of questions, objectives, and hypotheses (the latter in the case of a quantitative study), expected results.
4. The phase of research, recording and analysis of important concepts, theories, methods, and results in the area of health education. The importance of literature review and in-depth knowledge of the area of expertise. Use of a bibliographic reference manager
5. Research ethics and deontology.
6. Analysis and presentation of quantitative data: software and statistical techniques.
7. Analysis and presentation of qualitative data: software and data analysis techniques.
8. Presentation of a study for publication (submission and review procedures), for presentation at national/international scientific meetings.

Grading Methods

Periodical Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 80.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%




Augusto, A. (2014). Metodologias quantitativas/metodologias qualitativas: mais do que uma questão de preferência, Forum Sociológico [Online], 24, DOI :
Creswell, J. (2014). Educational research. New Jersey: Pearson
Pestana, M., & Gageiro, J. (2008). Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais: a complementaridade do SPSS (5ª ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Pocinho, M. D. (2012). Metodologia de investigação e comunicação do conhecimento científico. Lidel.
Pocinho, M. (2014). O livro que explica a estatística que precisa em 13 aulas, IBM-SPSS & Excel. Coimbra: Margarida Pocinho
Silverman, D. (2013). Doing qualitative research. London: Sage
Souza, M. A. R., Wall, M. L., Lowen, I. M. V., & Peres, A. M. (2018). The use of IRAMUTEQ software for data analysis in qualitative research. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 52, e03353-e03353.
Vieira, C. (2019) Investigação, Conhecimento Científico e Responsabilidade Social: Reflexões a partir das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Exedra, ESEC.