Research Methodology in Tourism

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes will have a theoretical-practical nature with support from audiovisual media and the availability of support materials on the NONIO/Inforestudante platform.
Students must choose one of the following assessment modalities:
Periodic assessment — occurs throughout the academic semester with a practical component of research work preferably carried out in groups and a theoretical component of individual assessment (test), with a weighting of 50% for each component.
Assessment by exam — assessment of students at the end of a training period through a written test with a weighting of 100% of the final grade.
Students whose final average is equal to or greater than 9.5 will be approved by the UC. Those who obtain a grade between 7.5 and 9.4 in the exam modality will be entitled to a complementary oral test.

Learning Results

To know the characteristics and importance of scientific knowledge and the different ways of conducting research.
To understand the fundamental principles and stages of scientific research.
o distinguish the main scientific research methods, the techniques for data collection and analysis and their applicability in the context of research in Tourism.
To assess the reliability, relevance and accuracy of data and different sources of information, namely from the tourism sector, recognizing the inherent advantages and limitations of using primary and secondary data.
To recognize the importance of the survey in social research in general and in tourism, its different formats, advantages and limitations.
To apply methodological tools and specific notions of scientific research in the development of research projects in tourism.


1.Foundations of the research process
1.1 Epistemology, Methodology and the concept of Science
1.2 The nature of the scientific procedure
1.3 Principles and and stages of scientific research
2.Definition / Selection of Methodology according to research objectives, target population and nature of the information to be processed
3. Main Research Methods: Experimental, Quantitative and Qualitative Research
4.Techniques for Data Collection
4.1 Documental and non-documental techniques
4.2 The experiment
4.3 Participant-observation
4.4 Interview and questionnaire survey
5 .Survey
5.1 Survey, sampling and statistical significance
5.2. The importance of the survey in social research
5.3 Sources of non sampling error in surveys
5.4 Advantages and limitations of the different modes of survey administration
6. Data Analysis
6.1 Content analysis
6.2 Statistical analysis using SPSS
7. Completion of research projects in Tourism and presentation of its results

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




BRYMAN, A. e CRAMER, D. (2003) Análise de dados em ciências sociais: introdução às técnicas utilizando o SPSS. Celta.
YIN, R. K. (2010) Estudo de caso: planejamento e métodos. Bookman.
ALMEIDA, J. F. e PINTO, J. M. (1990) A investigação nas ciências sociais. Presença.
BRYMAN, A. (2012) Social research methods. Oxford University Press.
CARMO, H. e FERREIRA, M. (1998) Metodologia da investigação: guia para auto-aprendizagem. Universidade Aberta.
FINN, M., ELLIOT.WHITE, M. and MIKE, W. (2000) Tourism & Leisure Research Methods. Data collection, analysis and interpretation. Pearson Education
HILL, M. e HILL, A. (2009) Investigação por questionário. Lisboa: Sílabo.
OMT (2006) Introdução à Metodologia da Pesquisa em Turismo. Editora ROCA Brasil.
QUIVY, R. & VAN CAMPENHOUDT,L. (2018) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Gradiva.
VEAL, A. J. (2018) Research Methods For Leisure And Tourism. Pearson