Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Periodic Assessment — takes place throughout the academic semester and which consists of an individual theoretical component of a written test with a weighting of 50% of the final grade and a practical component of work(s), preferably in group, with a weighting of 50% of the final grade.
Assessment by Exam — Assessment method that takes place at the end of a training period, through an individual written test with 100% weighting in the final grade.
Students whose final grade is equal to or greater than 9.5 will be approved.
Students who obtain a classification between 7.5 and 9.4 in the exam modality will be entitled to a complementary oral test, and in this situation, the final grade will correspond to the average of the obtained classifications.
Learning Results
To understand the logic and steps of research work.
To know the main Research Methods – Experimental, Quantitative and Qualitative research – and their suitability to different research situations in Education and Leisure and Adult Education and Local Development.
To know how to select research methods and instruments according to the research problem, size of the target population, nature of the information to be collected and the phenomena under analysis.
To comprehend the different techniques for collecting and analyzing information and their framing in research methods – experimentation; participant observation; non-participant observation-survey and interview; content analysis and statistical analysis
To Know the main sampling techniques and the advantages of probabilistics.
To distinguish primary data from secondary data and critically evaluate secondary data and its sources.
To know how to elaborate a research project
1.The importance of scientific knowledge
2. Principles and stages of research, the articulation between theoretical construction and empirical verification
3. Advantages and limitations of the main research methods and associated information collection and analysis techniques; its applicability in the context of research in Education and Leisure and Adult Education and Local Development
3.1 Experimental method: objectives and applicability of experimentation in research in Education
3.2 Quantitative Research – questionnaire survey and structured interview; sampling and significance and statistical analysis; advantages and limitations of different modes of administration; non-sampling sources of error in surveys
3.3 Qualitative Research/Case Study – importance for research in education; participant observation, unstructured interview and document analysis in a broad sense
4. Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies
5.Introduction to content analysis and statistical data analysist
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
ALMEIDA, J. F. e PINTO, J. M. (1990) A investigação nas ciências sociais. Lisboa: Presença.
BOGDAN, R. & BIKLEN, S. (2013) Investigação Qualitativa e Investigação em Educação. Porto: Porto Editora.
BRYMAN, A. (2012) Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BRYMAN, A. e CRAMER, D. (1992) Análise de dados em ciências sociais: introdução às técnicas utilizando o SPSS. Oeiras: Celta
CARMO, H. e FERREIRA, M. (1998) Metodologia da investigação: guia para auto-aprendizagem. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
ESTRELA, A. e FERREIRA, J. (orgs) (2001) Investigação em Educação. Lisboa: Educa
HILL, M. e HILL, A. (2009) Investigação por questionário. Lisboa: Sílabo.
MORGADO, J. (2013). O estudo de caso na investigação em educação. Santo Tirso: De Facto Editores
QUIVY, R. & VAN CAMPENHOUDT, L. (2019) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva.
YIN, R. K. (2010) Estudo de caso: planejamento e métodos. Porto Alegre: Bookman