Research Methods and Seminars

Base Knowledge

Do not apply.

Teaching Methodologies

The contents of this curricular unit will be exposed mainly in tutorial classes, combining the theoretical exposition of the main concepts, methodologies and techniques with the discussion of practical cases and the resolution of application exercises.

During the classes, the students’ proactivity and critical attitude towards the issues under discussion will be encouraged.

Learning Results

This curricular unit adds a set of essential information for the execution of the final master’s work, guiding students in the fulfillment of the main stages of the investigation and/or reflection process.

Learning objectives and expected outcomes
The elaboration of the individual final work constitutes the main objective of this curricular unit, seeking that students comply with the main rules of execution of scientific work, revealing knowledge about the phases of the investigation process and the formal structure of the work. In addition, it is also intended to:

  • Help in defining the scientific method within the research process, identifying the main sources of information and data collection techniques;
  •  Give a critical attitude to the analysis of the results of the work in order to draw conclusive conclusions tending to explain the problem identified.

Skills to develop
Students should be able to:

  •     Understand the process of creating and developing a research work;
  •     Analytically identify problems and define a work plan to study them, identifying the best data collection techniques for this purpose;
  •     Use tools to support the statistical analysis of the data collected, in order to support a critical analysis of the results;
  •     Carry out good time management in the execution of each phase of the investigation work in order to ensure compliance with pre-defined deadlines.


1. Ethics

1.1 The concept of ethics and organizational ethics.
1.2 Ethics in the context of management. Ethical common issues
1.3 The process of ethical decision making in organizations
1.4 Ethics and professional deontology. The role of codes of conduct.
1.5 The corporate social responsibility.
1.6 Best Practices for Social Responsibility.

2. Data Analysis

2.1 Research design
2.2 Sampling Plan
2.3 Data sources
2.4 Data processing
2.5 Review of some statistical techniques.

3. Communication

3.1 Reading and decoding specialized texts.
3.2 General approach to research.
3.3 Structuring and preparing scientific reports.
3.4 Notion of plagiarism and preparing quotes.
3.5 Preparation of bibliographies.
3.6 Communication skills for presentations.

Curricular Unit Teachers





  • ANDERSON, D.R., SWEENEY, D.J. E WILLIAMS, T.A. (2000). Estatística Aplicada à Administração e Economia.
  • BASTOS, Lília da R.; Fernandes, Lúcia M.; PAIXÃO, Lyra; DELUIZ, Neise – Manual para elaboração de projetos e
    relatórios de pesquisa, teses, dissertações e monografias. 4ª ed. Rev. eAmpl. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan,
    cop.1995. ISBN 85-277-0314-9
  • CARROLL, Archie B.; Ann K. BUCHHOLTZ. Business & Society: Ethics and stakeholder management. Mason, OH:
    Thomson Learning, 2003. p. 3-27
  • ESTRELA, Edite; SOARES, M.Almira; LEITÃO, M. José – Saber escrever, saber falar. Lisboa: Publicações Dom
    Quixote, 2004. ISBN 972- 20-2534-1


  • FERRELL, O.C.; John FRAEDRICH; Linda FERRELL. Ética empresarial: dilemas, tomadas de decisões e casos
    (tradução). Rio de Janeiro: Reichmann & Affonso, 2001
  • SOUSA, Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e – Metodologia da investigação, redacção e apresentação de trabalhos
    científicos. Porto: livraria Civilização Editora, 1998. ISBN 972- 26- 1559- 9