Research Methods for Media Studies

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Without neglecting information component provided by the teacher, the methodology in this course is defined primarily by the analysis of case studies and research designs for solving exercises about.The assessment will be based on 1. one summative test and 2. participatory presence in class.

Learning Results

1. Develop a critical view of the disclosure of information supposedly objective and rigorous.
2. Pick up and appropriate the research design to the problem and the context from which it emerges.
3. Know yhe forms of identification, manipulation, control and measurement of variables.
4. Choose, characterize and select the subjects to be used in research.
5. Consider the necessary conditions for a possible populational and ecological validation of the results.
6. Know the construction methods / suitability / choice of instrument collection data and their adjustment to the case of research.
7. Adjust the statistical tools for data processing to its nature and intentions of the study


1. Features and functions of scientific knowledge
2. The steps of the research cycle
3. Elements and basic constructs of scientific research
4. Research Paradigms in Media Studies /
5. Data collection /
6. Data Analysis /
7. The Scientific Repport /
8. Ethics in Scientific Research

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%




BERGER, A. A. (2000) Media and communication research methods: an introd. to qualitative and quantitative approaches, London: Sage/ CALADO, Isabel (2020). Manual de Metodologia da Investigação Científica em Ciências Sociais./ GASKELL, George e MARTIN, W. Bauer (2002) Pesquisa Qualitativa com texto, Imagem e Som, Petrópolis: Vozes/ HAMMERSLEY, M. e ATKINSON, P. (2007) Ethnography: Principles in practice, London: Routladge; HILL, Andrew (2009). Investigação por questionário. Sílabo./ NEUMAN, W. L. (2007) Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Boston: Pearson./ YIN, R. K. (2001) Estudos de Caso: Planejamento e Métodos, São Paulo: Bookman Companhia Ed