Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
Besides the information provided by the teacher component, the methodology used in this course is defined primarily by the analysis of case studies and research for solving exercises.
Learning Results
In this course students will be framed in a scientific conception of reality, being demonstrated its relevance and value to the social world and to education and, in particular, to the subsystem of special education. This framework involves the acquisition of a terminology system and the development of attitudes and performance with it concerted. Students will develop a critical perspective to disseminate information supposedly objective and rigorous, Choose, among several methodological options a consistent project linked to the methodological choice
1 . Features and functions of scientific knowledge 1.1. Comparison with other types of knowledge 2 . Steps of the research cycle 2.1. The eventual reversibility of the cycle 3. Basic constructs and elements of scientific research 3.1. Problems and hypotheses 3.2. Manipulation, control and measurement of variables 3.3. Internal and external validity 3.4. Population: definition, characterization, determination of samples and sampling methods 4 . Paradigms of Research in Social Sciences 4.1. Features and plans of experimental research: its essencial laboratory feature 4.2. Guidelines of nomothetic research: survey 4.3. Some ways of qualitative / idiographic research: case study and observational studies 4.4. The innovations of clinical research: action research
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - test - 100.0%
TUCKMAN, B. W. (2000). Manual de investigação em educação: como conceber e realizar o processo de investigação em educação. Lisboa: Serviço de Educação da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
FORTIN, M-F. (2000). O processo de investigação – da concepção à realização. Loures: Lusociência.
HILL, Manuela Magalhães ; HILL, Andrew (2009). Investigação por Questionário. Sílabo.
BOGDAN, Robert; BIKLEN, Sari (1994) – Investigação qualitativa em educação – uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Porto: Porto Editora.