Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge of Biology and Animal Anatomo-physiology.
Teaching Methodologies
1. Classical exposition of the themes.
2. Practical classes at Quinta da Cioga, a dairy farm with which ESAC maintains a cooperation protocol so that students can have training.
3. Practical classes at the ESAC sheep unit and in sheep and goat farms of the region.
4. Guided bibliographic research.
Learning Results
1. Know the structure, main factors of production and quality control of efficient dairy farm production systems.
2. Know most of the routine procedures of sheep and goat farms, the productive aptitudes and breed differences, the importance of the sector in the regional economy and the constraints to its development.
1-Dairy Cattle:
1.1- Main political, legal and structural constraints for dairy farms in Portugal.
1.2- Main factors that affect milk quality, from synthesis to industry arrival and payment to the producer.
1.3- Correct practices in terms of feeding, housing, milking, health, reproduction and genetical improvement.
1.4- Replacement of the herd, calf and heifers rearing.
2-Small Ruminants:
2.1- National breeds and their aptitudes.
2.2- Physiological mechanisms involved in nutrition, reproduction, lactation, growth and health of the species.
2.3- General management of feeding, breeding and health care, specific to each species.
2.4- Characteristics of milk, meat and wool production in each species and respective economic value.
2.5- Genetical improvement, biometric systems and structures involved.
2.6- Production systems according to regional differences, recognition of constraints and objectives in order to optimize the system.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Módulo 1 (Bovinos de Leite): a) exame escrito (80%); b) exame prático ou Monografia (tema a definir, 20%) - 50.0%
- - Módulo 2 (Peq Ruminantes): a) exame escrito (80%); b) exame prático no ovil (20%) - 50.0%
- - Módulo 1 (Bovinos de Leite): 2 Testes escritos (40%+40%); Relatório das visitas e tarefas práticas (20%) - 50.0%
- - Módulo 2 (Peq Ruminantes): a) exame escrito (80%); b) execução de tarefas no ovil (20%). - 50.0%
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