Sales and Commercial Negotiation Techniques

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with a structured exposition of the contents and respective analysis and discussion or debate. An interrogative and interactive methodology will be used
prior to the presentation of the main contents and concepts, and demonstration / exemplification of them through their practical application in everyday situations and using, where appropriate, audiovisual media.
It also includes the autonomous study with research on exposed content and the reading and critical analysis of texts / articles.

Learning Results

a) qualify for attendance to extras;
b) know as dimensions of the sales process;
c) know the importance of commercial programming as a resource;
d) know the main models and the best relations;
e) Differentiate the integrative and distributive schools that generate change with principles;
f) qualify for the preparation of a negotiation process;
g) Designing and securing after-sales service;
h) deal with complaints;
g) Understand the importance of customer loyalty.


1. Introduction to Sales Techniques
1.1. Selling and persuasion
1.2. Hard sell and soft sale – Traditional sell vs. Relational Selling
1.3. The sales professional in the technical and behavioral dimensions
2. As phases of the sale;
2.1. Presentation and Reception;
2.2. Argumentation;
2.3 Close the sale
3. Selling Techniques;
3.1. Strategic Dimension
3.1.1. Strategic sales plan
3.2. Operational Dimension
3.2.1. Of the strategic objectives of selling individuals
3.2.2. Marketing communication without sales support
3.2.3. The special group in sales
3.2.4. The importance of a good product
3.2.5. Store management as sales promotion
3.2.6. The Importance of Product Demonstration and Trial on Sale
3.2.7. Cross Selling and Up Selling
3. Negotiation;
4. After-sales service;
4.1. Dimensions of the after-sales service (guarantee, technical assistance and relationship);
4.2. Management of complaints;
5. Loyalty and loyalty of the public.

Grading Methods

Evaluation by frequency
  • - Working paper - 50.0%
  • - Written test - 50.0%
Evaluation by exam
  • - 1 written test - 100.0%




Varoufakis, Yanis; Househo, Anthony (eds) (2001) Game Theory, Critical Concepts in Social Sciences, Routledge, Londres e Nova York

Chiavenato, Idalberto (2005) Administração de Vendas, Campus, Rio de Janeiro;

Varoufakis, Yanis; Househo, Anthony (eds) (2001) Game Theory, Critical Concepts in Social Sciences, Routledge, Londres e Nova York

Wilson, Mike (1992) Como Formar uma Equipa de Vendas, Editorial Presença, Lisboa;

Carvalho, José Mexia Crespo de (2004) Negociação, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa; ou 2ª edição revista de 2006;