Script Languages

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes are lectures where the several topics are presented in a coherent and detailed way. The practical classes adopt a hands-on approach, based on the resolution of practical exercises, where students will apply the concepts and techniques presented during lectures, developing a web application with JavaScript language and with React JS library, which is currently one of the most JavaScript library applied in the development of web applications (front end development).

Learning Results

Scripting languages play nowadays a key role in the context of web applications. The main objective of this course is to allow the students to learn some of the most commonly used client-side scripting languages in the implementation of web applications. Students are expected to achieve knowledge in JavaScript, as well as its libraries and frameworks, heavily used in the industry for building dynamic web applications, such as React JS library.

The course intends to practice all the concepts covered in the classes, promoting the acquisition of skills with the practical application of theoretical knowledge, encouraging autonomous learning and the search for new solutions, in such way that they are not limited to apply the concepts learned in the context of classes. In addition, it is aimed the development of critical reasoning through the construction of a dynamic web application where students should be able to present and justify diverse implementation options.


  1. Overview of Scripting Languagens:
    1.  Diferences with other languages
    2. Script Languages in the context of web applications:
    3. Client-Side and Server-Side Scripting
    4. Libraries and frameworks
  2. JavaScript Language
    1. Types and data structures: primitive data and objects
    2. Arrays
    3. Functions
    4. OOP in JavaScript
    5. The DOM and DOM manipulation using JavaScript
    6. Events
    7. Browser local storage
    8. Asynchronous JavaScript
    9. Web Components
  3. React JS
    1. Single Page Applications
    2. React Fundamentals: JSX Configuration and Syntax
    3. Components
    4. Stylization in React
    5. Transferring Properties
    6. State management
    7. Events
  4. Scripting Languages: other topics
    1. Client-Side Security concerns
    2. Introduction to Server-Side Scripting

Curricular Unit Teachers
