Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
The contents will be taught in presenting sessions regarding the fundamental concepts and state of the art
about them. The theoretical content will be presented through oral presentations and multimedia support. The
theoretical-practical classes will be developed through analysis/discussion of situations, to promote, based on
problematic being studied, case studies, roundtable discussions and group work, to identify problem issues
and consequent problem of study.
The evaluation process will be developed accordingly the ESEC regulations. The curricular unit will be
evaluated by continuous evaluation or exam.
Through continuous evaluation:
a) individual theoretical work (40%);
b) group work – theoretical and practical sessions (30%).
c) oral (30%).
Through the evaluation by exam:
a) written exam (70%).
b) oral (30%).
Will be used the ESEC e-learning platform and referenced documents for the study of the programmatic
Learning Results
1. Know the issues and the main, national and international, lines of investigation and research projects, in the
area of the Play and Early Motor Development, motor-playful and/or sports activities and physical activity.
2. Know the most significant results of research in this area, in its theoretical and methodological implications.
3. Increase the knowledgement about the research and published scientific studies, opening dimensions and
possibilities of research aiming at a first time, the action research work of the master students.
1. Identify the themes and the main lines of research about the Play and Early Motor Development and about
Sport and Physical Activity, enhancing their optimal integration in several professional contexts.
2. Substantiate ideas and different views based on published research, comparing results and identifying the
relevant information to its or others activities using specific technical and scientific vocabulary.
1. Play and Early Motor Development: Research Perspectives and development lines
2. Play, Sport and Physical Activity: Research Perspectives and development lines
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - a) individual theoretical work (40%); b) group work - theoretical and practical sessions (30%). c) oral (30%). - 100.0%
- - a) written exam (70%). b) oral (30%). - 100.0%
Barreiros J, Cordovil R & Carvalheiro S (2007). Estudos de Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança III. Lisboa:
Edições FMH.
Bogin, B. (1999). Play and human childhood: their evolution and risks in the modern world. In C. Neto (Ed.) Play
and Community-Play & Phsycal Activity. Proceedings of XIV IPA World Conference. Lisboa: Edições FMH.
Catela D & Barreiros J (2008). Estudos de Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança I. Rio Maior: ESDRM Edições
Krebs R., Copetti F. &. Beltram T (1999). Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento Infantil). Santa Maria – Brasil:
Edições SIEC – Santa Maria.
Neto C (1995). Motricidade e Jogo na Infância. Brasil: Editora Sprint.
Neto C (1997). Jogo e desenvolvimento da criança. Cruz Quebrada: Edições FMH.