Teaching Methodologies
This course is linked to the Project Work / Internship. The methodology is divided between classroom activities and autonomous activities :
– Thematic seminars, who are invited experts;
– Autonomous activity of reflection on the topics covered.
The evaluation rests with an individual report containing reflections carried out under the different topics covered in the seminars (70%). It will be valued the structure and organization of information; the adaptation to the objectives of the work; the language used ; the use of correct scientific information , mobilizing updated sources and critical attitude .
The frequency of evaluation, it is considered also the individual performance in class through attendance, punctuality, participation and motivation (30%).
The examination using score (100%) falls on the topics covered in the seminar and will be made through written test and oral .
Learning Results
– Bridging skills gaps, by addressing relevant topics in Health Education
– Develop themes that contribute to the planning and implementation of Health Education Projects.
The contents of this course depends on the training needs identified each year. Some content addressed: Health and Health Education; Active aging ; Prevention of the Psycho- active Substance Consumption; Research Methods in Health; Sexuality in people with disabilities, … )
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 70.0%
- - Attendance, participation, punctuality and motivation - 30.0%
A indicar, anualmente, em função das temáticas abordadas.
To state, annually, depending on of the themes addressed.
A indicar, anualmente, em função das temáticas abordadas.