Base Knowledge
Knowledge of Thermodynamics, Mass Transfer and Fluid Mechanics.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical and theoretical practices classes. The theoretical classes are intended to expose the syllabus of the course accomplished with illustrative examples of applications. The theoretical practices classes are used for solving problems and exercises. In these classes practical cases are discussed and solved in class by the students, where discussion and working in group are encouraged. The independent study is also encouraged.
Learning Results
With this course it is intended that students: i) study some separation techniques used in biotechnology so as solid-liquid extraction and liquid-liquid extraction, membrane filtration, adsorption and ion-exchange; ii) know the equipment used in these unit operations; iii) acquire an overview of the requirements of handling and validation processes involving biological products; iv) acquire the concepts and equations that allow to characterize the operation and sizing equipment, v) be able to solve problems involving the separation processes studied.
1. Biological processes
1.1 Biological processes of industrial interest
1.2 Main steps of the biological processes: initial processing, bioreaction and final processing
1.3 Final processing: cell removal, isolation and purification
2. Liquid- liquid and solid-liquid extraction
2.1 Extraction process in a simple step
2.2 Extraction multistep process for continuous countercurrent and crossflow
2.3 Calculation of the number of equilibrium stages in a countercurrent cascade by graphical method
2.4 Effect of solvent flow rate (minimum flow rate)
3. Membrane separation processes
3.1 Nomenclature and basic concepts
3.2 Dialysis, gas permeation, reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, microfiltration
3.3 Applications, equipment and models for reverse osmosis
4. Adsorption and ion exchange
4.1 Adsorbents and ion exchange resins
4.2 Equilibrium adsorption and ion exchange
5. Separation of organic products by electrophoresis
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exame - 100.0%
Azevedo, E. G. e Alves, A. M., Engenharia de processos de separação. 1ª edição, IST Press. Lisboa, 2009.
Geankoplis, Christie J.,Transport processes and separation process principles (includes unit operations), 4ª edição, Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003.
McCabe W.L., Smith J.C., Harriote P., Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 6ª edição, Mc Graw-Hill, 2001.
Mulder, M.,Basic principle of membrane technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.
Harrison, R. G.; Todd, P.; Rudge, S. R. e Petrides, D. P., Bioseparations Science and Engineering, Oxford University Press, USA, 2003.
Handbook of Bioseparations, Satinder, Ahuja (ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, 2000.
Baker, R.W.,Membrane Technology and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.