Separation Processes Laboratory

Base Knowledge

The disciplines of Bioengineering curriculum of previous semesters that are most relevant for the understanding of the contents of Laboratories of Separation Processes are Introduction to Bioengineering, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Tansfer and Separation Processes.

Teaching Methodologies

During experimental class each group is analyzed taking into account different aspects such as: behavior, responsibility, team functioning, fulfillment of the lab and discipline rules, performance/coordination shown in the development of the work, taking advantage of the class time and the necessary theoretical preparation for experimental execution. At the end of lesson, the acquired results are delivered to the teacher and, each group member must answer written questions. The evaluation of each work considers the parameters related to the experimental component, the quality of the results, the answers to written questions and the appreciation and the discussion of the report.

All practical classes will operate in person, while classes for discussing reports and oral presentations might take place remotely

Learning Results

With this curricular unit the students are intended to: develop the ability to work in group; acquire laboratory experience in units at lab and pilot scales, which show unit operations used in industrial chemical and biological processes; be able to apply the knowledge of transport phenomena, thermodynamics and separation processes; be capable to programme experiences; be able to analyze and criticize the experimental results; acquire practices in their writing reports and in their oral discussions. With this curricular unit we aim to develop some generic competences, especially the following ones: to provide students with communication skills, to expose ideas and problems; to provide students with the ability to develop interpersonal relationships in their group; instill a constant concern for quality; to create the ability to collect, select and understand relevant information in their training area, allied to the capacity of analysis, synthesis and formulation of opinions.


The students will need to make eight experimental works: Work 1: Determination of liquid-vapor equilibrium for a binary mixture Work 2: Distillation of binary azeotropic mixture Work 3: Experimental determination of pipe roughness Work 4: Perfomance evaluation of a pump and pump system combined in serial and in parallel Work 5: Study of constant pressure filtration process Work 6: Study of sedimentation process of calcium carbonate suspensions Work 7: Study of heat transfer process in a concentric tube heat exchanger Work 8: Drying of solids in tray drier; At the end of the semester there will be a session for the oral presentations, where each group presents one of the experimental works and which can include the analysis of the other groups’ experimental data. After the presentation there will be a discussion period which that will consist of a set of questions / answers asked individually to each group member.

Curricular Unit Teachers




1. LABORATÓRIO DE PROCESSOS DE SEPARAÇÃO: Protocolos experimentais (disponível na plataforma académica InforEstudante)

2. Cengel, Y. A. & Cimbala, J. M. (2006). Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6A-1-97, tradução em português) 

3. Coulson, J. M. & Richardson, J. F. (1968). Chemical Engineering (vol. 2) (2ª ed.). New York: Pergamon Press Inc. (disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-7-17) 

4. Ibarz, A. & Barbosa-Cánovas, G. V. (2003). Unit Operations in Food Engineering (Food Preservation Technology Series). Boca Raton: CRC Press (disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-7-143) 

5. Incropera, F. P., Dewitt, D. P., Bergman, T. L. & Lavine, A. S. (2007). Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (6ª ed.). John Wiley & Sons (disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-7-252, tradução em português)

6. Azevedo,  E. G. & Alves, A. M. (2009). Engenharia de Processos de Separação (1ª edição). Lisboa: Instituto Superior Técnico.