Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit’s program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:
– Theoretical component – oral presentation oriented towards the foreseen contents, resorting whenever possible to multimedia resources.
– Practical component – monitoring and guidance in students’ work.
The assessment in the curricular unit will take place, at the student’s option, in the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and weights:
Continuous evaluation
– Practical assignments – 100% of the global assessment
– Written test: 30%
– Practical work: 70%
Learning Results
3.1. Know the printing arts as a way of conceiving and manufacturing the image and as an expression of a plastic thought;
3.2. To know the different supports and matrices used in the graphic arts, as well as their specific qualities;
3.3. Explore different approaches to serigraphy and engraving (linoleum) in the production of a printed image, while delving into the basic elements of visual language: form, line, texture, color, space;
3.4. Understand the fundamental notions related to the processes of transposition and multiplication of images;
3.5. Develop practical knowledge, manual and technical skills, as well as an efficient and compatible working methodology in production workshops: preparation of plates and screens, preparation of inks, use of colors, planning of printing stages, handling of specialized equipment, proper use of papers;
3.6. Learn about contemporary practices in the printing arts.
4.1. Engraving (linocut):
4.1.1. Linocut concept
4.1.2. Equipment and materials for linoleum engraving
4.1.3. Matrix preparation (linoleum)
4.1.4. Inking and printing
4.1.5. Drying
4.2. Serigraphy:
4.2.1. Silkscreen concept
4.2.2. The Pochoir: its characterization and constituent materials.
4.2.3. Screen printing equipment and materials
4.2.4. Print matrix
4.2.5. The silkscreen production flow: Pre-press; Printing and Post-Printing (mockup, typon, matrix, printing, drying, screen recovery)
4.2.6. Security and protection
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Practical work - 70.0%
- - Frequency - 30.0%
- - Practical assignments - 100.0%
Catafal, J.; Oliva. (2003). A Gravura. Editorial Estampa.
Dawson, J. (1982). Guia completo de Grabado e Impresion. H. Blume Ediciones.
Demoratti, D; Komurki, J.; Bendandi, L.(2018). Mestres da Serigrafia. Editorial Gustavo Gili
Elliot, B. (1971). Silk screen printing. Oxford University Press.
Faine, B. (1990). Le Guide Complet de la Serigraphie. Dessain et Tolra.
Guadix, J. (1992). Técnicas aditivas en el grabado contemporaneo. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada.
Jorge, A.; Gabriel, M. (1986). Técnicas de Gravura Artística. Livros Horizonte.
Kafka, F. (1972). Linoleun block printing. Dover.
Kinsey, A. (1982). Serigrafia. Editorial Presença.
Krejca, A. (1990). Las tecnicas del grabado. Libsa.
Mara, T. (1998). Manual de Serigrafia. Blume.
Russ, S. (1974). Tratado de Serigrafia Artística. Ed. Blume.
Silva, O. (1976). A arte maior da gravura. Espade