Sexuality, Health and Education

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The scientific approach of concepts that integrate the themes of the program is made through: collection, organization and presentation of information, analysis and discussion of scientific papers, films, …, discussion and reflection on issues raised by problematic situations everyday. There will place the design of educational materials tailored to different audiences. Tutorial Guidance is provided for individual and / or group support. In continuous assessment, the following factors are considered: individual performance in the classroom during the sessions, including through attendance, punctuality, participation and motivation of students (20%), development of individual and group written (40%) and oral communications (40%) in which structure and organization of information, appropriateness to the objectives, language, quality of scientific information are valued as well as the reflection and critical attitude. Assessment by exam (100%)- written and/or oral test.

Learning Results

Recognizing sexuality as an integral part of the harmonious development of people appreciating the importance of communication and involvement in affective experience of sexuality
• Identify different ways of expressing sexuality
• Respect the people whatever their physical or sexual orientation
• Assess attitudes and risks associated with certain sexual behaviors
• Recognize the diversity of roles and attributes of each sex
. Learning to deconstruct the discourse of the media
• Establish relationships between body and sexuality
• Understand the anatomy and physiology of Human Reproduction
• Identify different contraceptives methodes
• Recognize the right to a free and responsible parenthood
• Identify methods of prevention of HIV and AIDS and other STI
• Waive violent forms of sexual expression
. Reflect on everyday issues that affect sexuality and sexuality education


Sexuality (S), Body and Erotism- S concepts , sexual body, desire, attraction, love and relationships, S lifelong; sexual pleasure; expressions of S, sexual orientation, sexual behavior, ethics and S;2. Sexuality, Gender and Culture -sex, gender, sexual identity, gender roles and performativity; normativity and difference; beliefs and stereotypes, sexism and discrimination, language, gender violence and homophobia; sexual politics of the look; S and gender in the media; hipersexualization;3. Sexuality, Health and Human Rights-sexual and reproductive rights; anatomy and physiology of human reproduction; puberty chnges, fertility and contraception, S and disability, teenage pregnancy, HIV infection /AIDS and STI, harassment, rape and sexual abuse of minors, trafficking and sexual exploitation;4. Sexuality and Education-S, gender and curriculum; models and strategies of SE; body, communication and affection at school; S and gender in literature for children; S and HR science museum

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Development of written documents - 40.0%
  • - Oral comunications - 40.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%




Dauder, S.G. e Pérez Sedeño, E. (2017). Las “mentiras” científicas sobre las mujeres. Catarata.
Joel, D. e Vikhanski,L. (2019). Cérebro e género: para lá do mito do cérebro masculino e feminino. Temas e debates.
Mikova, A. e Arthus-Bertrand Y. (2020). Women. Ed. La Martinière.
Ribeiro, P.R.C.;Magalhães, J.C; de Boer, R.A. (org.) (2022). (Re)existir, (re)inventar, pesquisar: entrelaçamentos de corpos, gêneros e sexualidades. 703 p. Ed. da FURG.
Ribeiro, P.R. C.; Silva, E.P. Q. & Teixeira, F. (Org.)(2016). Atravessamentos de gênero, corpos e sexualidades:linguagens, apelos, desejos, possibilidades e desafios. 248p.Rio Grande: Ed. FURG.
Saini, A. (2018). Inferior. Harper Collins.
Teixeira, F.e Marques, F.(2016)Sexualidad y género en la formación inicial de los docentes. InMateos Jiménez, A. e Manzanares Moya, A.(dir.)(2016).Mejores Maestros, Mejores Educadores. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe.