Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
i) Exploration of problem situations in a perspective of Sexuality, Health, Gender and Human Rights; ii) Analysis, interpretation and discussion of cultural artefacts fostering reflection, sharing and encouraging critical attitudes; iii) Design of educational resources aimed at deconstructing sexuality and gender messages for intervention on Sexuality Ed., in specific contexts; iv) Elaboration of didactic script for intervention under the Sexuality Ed. (40%), followed by presentation and debate (40%). In the frequency evaluation, we consider also individual performance – attendance, punctuality, participation and motivation (20%). In the script aspects such as structure and organization of information; appropriateness to the objectives of the work; language; quality and correction of scientific, critical attitude, diversity strategies and adaptation to the target population, are valued. Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and/or oral test.
Learning Results
•To recognize the right to sexual and reproductive health and the right to sexuality education as part of health education and respect for human rights.
. To recognize sexuality in the development of people throughout life .
. To respect different ways to express sexuality and sexual orientation.
. To assess attitudes and risks associated with certain sexual behaviors.
•To promote the reflection and debate on important issues of daily life that affect sexuality and gender.
•To deconstruct Sexuality messages and gender stereotypes conveyed by the media .
•To develop educational resources to be used in interventions in sexuality education .
•Sexuality, Health and Human Rights
•Expressions of Sexuality
•Sexuality, Society and Culture
•Sexuality, Gender and Media
•Sexuality and Education
Grading Methods
- - Didactic Script - 40.0%
- - Didactic Script Presentation and Discussion - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Carvalho, M. L. S. M. , & Teixeira, F. . (2019). Orientação sexual e homofobia na série televisiva Glee. Ensino em Re-Vista, 26(jan./abr./2019), 173-191.
Díez Gutiérrez (coord.) (2004). La diferencia sexual en el análisis de los videojuegos.CIDE/ Instituto de la Mujer.
Díez Gutiérrez (coord.) (2004). Guía didáctica para el análisis de los videojuegos. CIDE/ Instituto de la Mujer.
Malho, A. S. , & Teixeira, F. (2019). Seeing, Reading and Listening to Gender Inequality/Equality in Video Clips. Education and new developments. Vol II. 41-45.InScience Press.
Purificação M.M.; Catarino, E. M.: Muller, F.H.L.; Gonçalves, R.C.C.; Teixeira, F. & Paz, C. D. A. (2020). Nem Sagrada, Nem Profana – Simplesmente Geni: Representações culturais no canto de Chique Buarque de Holanda. Id on Line Rev. Mult. Psic. v.14, n.50 p. 380-388.
Teixeira, F. & Marques, F. M. (2019). Metáforas da virilidade: o piropo na educação em sexualidade com perspetiva de género. In Tecituras sobre corpos, gêneros e sexualidades no espaço escolar, pp. 171-188. Ed. da FURG.
Teixeira, Filomena & Marques, Fernando M. (2022). Sob o signo da tentação: imagens de sexualidade e género na publicidade ao vinho do porto. In Paula Regina Costa Ribeiro, Joanalira Corpes Magalhães, Raphael Albuquerque de Boer (org.) (Re)existir, (re)inventar, pesquisar: entrelaçamentos de corpos, gêneros e sexualidades, pp 432-460. Ed. da FURG, 2022