Teaching Methodologies
Lectures are theoretical/practical including a set of practical works (8) that takes place over the course of 13 weeks of lectures; and also carries out field work
Learning Results
The objectives of the curricular unit result in the acquisition of 4 fundamental skills:
1. Possesses knowledge that allow to characterize the natural, semi-natural and artificial forest, for its composition, structure and dynamics of evolution, recognizing its multi-functionality
2. Relates the aspects of eco-physiology to the productivity of plants and to the forestry practiced, as a determinant of sustainable management of forest systems;
3. Possesses knowledge and problem-solving capacity in forest ecosystems, in order to ensure its preservation, maintenance, protection or use, integrating concepts of DFC;
4. Know the dynamics and the forms of intervention in forest systems to meet management objectives
The syllabus for the acquisition of the skills described are divided into two learning modules: module 1-forestry: forestry interventions and characterization in forest stands; Module 2-forestry systems applied to stands and other types of forestry.
Grading Methods
- - Module 1: theoretical/practical test - 50.0%
- - Report discussion - 25.0%
- - Project report - 25.0%
Assmann E. The principles of forest yield study. Pergamon Press. 506 p. 1970.
Direcção-Geral das Florestas. Inventário Florestal Nacional, Portugal Continental, 3ª Revisão. Ministério da Agricultura. Editideias, Lisboa, 233 p. 2001.
Evans, J. Silviculture of broadleaved woodland. Forestry Commission. Bulletin 62, HMSO Pub. 232 p. 1984.
Hibberd B.G. Forestry practice. Forestry Commission. Handbook 6. HMSO Pub. 1991.
Lanier L., Badre M, Delabraze J. et Flammarion P. Précis de Sylviculture. 2e édition. Engref-Nancy, France. 477 p. 1994.
Matthews JD. Silvicultural systems. Oxford University Press. 284 p. 1991.
Monteiro A.A. Técnicas de produção florestal. INIC, Lisboa. 331 p. 1982.
Oliveira C.A. Teoria da produção florestal. Centro de estudos Florestais. 519 p. 1984.
Savill PS, Evans J., Auclair D. & Falck J. Plantation silviculture in Europe. Oxford University Press. 297 p. 1997.
Schütz J.P. Sylviculture 1. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes. Suisse. 243 p. 1990.