Sinais e Sistemas

Base Knowledge

Derivation and integration rules.

Operations with complex numbers.

Teaching Methodologies

In the lectures is performed an oral presentation of mater with the support of slide projection. The theoretical exposure of concepts is complemented for formulating and solving some application exercises. The slides are available to students on the moodle platform. In the classes are solved exercises and matlab aplications are implemented.


Learning Results

To learn and understand basic theory of signals and linear systems wth continuous and discrete time and of using system representations based on the Fourier transforms.

To acquire the ability of analyzing and manipulating signals and linear time- invariant systems in both the time and frequency domains.

Students will learn and understand basis of description and analysis of discrete and continuous -time signals and systems.


1. Signals and Systems
    1.1. Continuous and discrete time signals
    1.2. Basic operations on signals: operations performed the independent variables
    1.3. Continuous and discrete time systems
    1.4. Basic properties of systems: linearity; memory; causality; invertibility; invariance and stability.

2. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.
    2.1. Linear time-invariant (LTI) system caracterization by impulse response
    2.2. Convolution and convolution properties.
    2.3. Step response
    2.4. Linear difference equations with constant coefficients

3. Fourier Analysis:
    3.1. Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series
    3.2. Properties of continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series
    3.3. Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier transform
    3.4. Properties of continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier transform

4. Systems:
    4.1. Laplace transform and applications
    4.2. Transfer Function in open loop and in closed loop
    4.3. Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems (electrical systems)
    4.4. Transient response analysis (1st and 2nd order systems)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Background texts avaiable in the Nonio plataform.

Oppenheim, A.,Willsky,A., & Nawab, S. (1997). Signals & Systems. (2nd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall International, cop. (Biblioteca ISEC,cota:1A-10-11)

Lourtie, I. (2007). Sinais e Sistemas. (2ª ed). Lisboa : Escolar Editora,. (Biblioteca ISEC, cota :1A-10-7)

Haykin, S., & Van Veen, B. (2001). Sinais e Sistemas. Porto Alegre: Bookman. (Biblioteca ISEC, cota :1A-10-15)

JHsu Hwei, P. (2012). Sinais e sistemas : [570 problemas totalmente resolvidos] . (2ª ed). Porto Alegre: Bookman. (Biblioteca ISEC, cota :1A-10-19)