Socioeducative Equipments and Resources Management

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching/learning methodology aims at facilitating the integration of contents by the students. The course contents will be developed through active and expositive teaching methods, through: a) theoretical sessions (under the responsibility of the teacher); b) theoretical and practical sessions where the active participation of the student becomes important so that learning is meaningful, enhancing the critical thinking and the ability to adopt effective practices. The evaluation will be done by choosing one of the following possibilities:
1- Continuous/periodic assessment:
a) participation in the realization of group works, in the course of classes: 10%
b) a final group work to be presented in class (respecting the previously constituted groups): 45%
c) a written assessment test based on the syllabus: 45%. (minimum score of 7 points)
2- EXAM: will consist of an individual written test: 100%

Learning Results

Knowing the different perspectives of managing and coordinating the development of an organization or a community as well as to motivate people and organizations to articulate and share resources and promote a cooperative, wills and powers. Learn to select the means for the effective management of people, groups, organizations or communities, when sustained in the planning, organization, coordination and evaluation of local resources, be they physical, financial, human, environmental or community. Develop skills to analyze continuously the management systems at technical, pedagogical and/or organizational, with concrete suggestions and proposals that can contribute to the improvement of systems. Learn to Identify and analyze different models of intervention in organizations seamlessly linking actors, resources, equipment and infrastructure needed for the design and development of socio-educative projects.


1 – Introduction to the concepts of Organization and Management
2 – Organization and Management Entities / Structures of Socio-educative Animation
3 – The Strategic Management as a management tool: Analysis of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and strategic control
4 – Organizational principles oriented human resource management in profit and non-profit organizations.
5 – Management of physical, financial, human resources, environmental and community resources

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 45.0%
  • - Frequency - 45.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Bancaleiro, J. (2008). Gestão de Activos Humanos no Sec. XX. Lisboa: RH ditora
Bancaleiro, J..Ramos, P. (2019). Conta-me Estórias- Storytelling na Gestão de Pessoas. Lisboa: RH Editora.
Martins, A. (2004). Introdução à Gestão de Organizações. Barcelos: Vida Económica.
Martins, M.J..Ramos, P.. Fialho. (2019). Sharing My Change- Viagem pela Gestão da Mudança. Lisboa: RH Editora
Ramos, P. (2019). Pessoas & Negócios-Mobilizar para a obtenção de resultados- Coimbra: Actual
Teixeira, S. (2011). Gestão Estratégica. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Yunus, M (2011). A Empresa Social. Barcarena: Editorial Presença