Sociology of Development and Social Change

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methods have a theoretical and practical carather. The focus is, however, the research and discussion of the various syllabuses by the students with guidance and supplement of the professor.

Periodic assessment — throughout the academic semester, will be based on a component, which includes class participation and taking a written test, with a weight up to 57,5% and a work component, preferably in groups with a weighting of 42,5%.

The written test is eliminatory, students must obtain a minimum grade of 7,5.

The nature, characteristics and ponderation of each of the works will be subjected to an analysis during the first class and the information will be recorded on the summary and on the web platforms.

Assessment by exam — assessment at the end of a training period through an individual knowledge assessment test with a weighting of 100% of the final grade.

Students whose grade is equal to or greater than 9,5 will obtain approval.

Students whose grade rates between 7,5 and 9,4 values will take an oral test, and the final score shall be the average of the grades obtained.

Learning Results

– To operationalize key concepts in order to seize and study the phenomenon of development at local, national, european and global

-To understand and analyze the theoretical models and conceptual constructs relating to development and social change

– Learn to analyze problems which seem particularly relevant to the intelligibility of the current framework of the political and economic dominance and reflect on new lanes proposed for the (re) conceptualisation of development

– To understand and relate the economic, social, cultural and environmental development in a perspective of sustainability

– To understand the importance of local responses to the resolution of global problems.

– To understand and frame the European and Portuguese social situation enabling to discern fundamental aspects of analysis for understanding new development scenarios

– To understand the dynamics and models of development in Portugal


1.1 – Development and social change: models and theoretical perspectives
1.2 – Development, globalization and interdependence

2.1 – Concepts, principles and dimensions of sustainable development
2.2 – Sustainable development in various scales: from global to local

3.1 – Development Dynamics
3.2 – Evolution of socio-economic indicators in the last five decades
3.3 – Recomposition of social structure

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 57.5%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 42.5%




Amaro, R. (2003). Desenvolvimento: Um conceito ultrapassado ou em renovação? Da teoria à prática e da prática à teoria. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 4, 35-70.

Barreto, A. (Org.) (2000). A situação social em Portugal, 1960 – 1999. Lisboa: ICS.

Carvalho, N. (2007). O ambiente como problema social em Portugal. Lisboa: APA.

CMAD (W.C.E.D.) (1991). O nosso futuro comum. Lisboa: Meribérica / Liber.

Giddens, A. (2002). O mundo na era da globalização. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.

Giddens, A. (2002). As consequências da modernidade. Oeiras : Celta, 2002. 4ª ed., 2ª reimp.

Murteira, M. (1979). Desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvimento e o modelo Português. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.

Rostow, W. W. (1966). Etapas do desenvolvimento económico. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores.

Santos, B. Sousa (Org.) (2001). Globalização: Fatalidade ou Utopia?. Porto: Afrontamento.

Soromenho-Marques, V. (2005). Metamorfoses. Lisboa: Publicações Europa-América.

Strange, T. & Bayley, A. (2008). Sustainable development: Linking economy, society, environment. Paris: OCDE.

Yearley, S. (1992). A causa verde. Uma sociologia das questões ecológicas. Oeiras: Celta.