Soil Mechanics

Base Knowledge

It is recommended that students have previously attended and otained approval in Geotechnics course unit.

Teaching Methodologies

In Theoretical-Practical lessons the expository and inquisitive method is used during the explanation of the theoretical subjects and exercises are solved in groups and individually.
In Practical-Laboratory classes soil tests are carried out and students should perform two group test reports. In Tutorial classes students will be supervised, through the clarification of doubts, exercises resolution and guidance of the laboratory test reports.
Evaluation: three facultative Tests along the term or a Final Exam are performed, theoretical part (8 points) and problem practice part (12 points); the approval requires that the mark achieved (N) is greater than or equal to 9.5 points; the laboratory test reports (Lab) are orally discussed and are worth 4 points; the final mark is NF = 0,8N + Lab.

Learning Results

Learning outcomes: Apply concepts related to stresses, strength, compressibility and permeability of soils. Determine the state of stress at any point in an earth mass, whatever the acting actions. Calculate consolidation settlements. Estimate the shear strength parameters of a soil.

Generic skills: Acquisition, understanding and application of knowledge; ability for solving problems and to deal with new situations; individual work and team work.

Specific skills: Acquiring knowledge of soils and Soil Mechanics theoretical and practical concepts; application in problems resolution; calculation of soil stresses after construction, consolidation settlements; using the suitable design shear strength parameters; to perform permeability, compressibility and shear strength tests.


1 Soil water: water-bearing; pore water pressure; Bernoulli ?s theorem applied to pore water; Darcy ?s law; coefficient of permeability.
2. In situ stresses due to self-weight of soil: total and effective normal stresses and pore water pressure; principle of effective stress; coefficient of earth at rest. In situ stresses due to surface loads: Boussinesq ?s theory, practical situations; bulb of pressures.
3. Compressibility and consolidation: the oedometer test; consolitation settlement; Terzaghi ?s theory of one- dimensional consolidation; time settlement; secondary compression; methods to increase consolidation.
4. Shear strength: failure criterions of Mohr-Coulomb and Tresca; shear strength parameters (total and effective stress); shear strength in sands and in saturated clays; Skempton’s coefficients; shear strength tests: direct shear test, triaxial test and Vane shear test.
Practical activities: constant-head permeametre test, oedometer test and shear strengh tests.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Craig, R. F. (1977). Soil Mechanics. (6 ed.). London, UK: Ed. VNR International. London. (7-8-117 (ISEC) – 08635)
Cruz, F. (2016). 
Mecânica dos Solos [Apontamentos teóricos]. ISEC, Portugal (in Portuguese).
Cruz, F. (2016). Mecânica dos Solos [Problemas]. ISEC, Portugal (in Portuguese).
Cruz, F (2016). Mecânica dos Solos [Diapositivos PowerPoint de lições]. ISEC, Portugal (in Portuguese).
Das, B. M. (2006). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering (6 ed.). USA: Ed Cengage Learning. (7-8-170 (ISEC) – 15064)
Fernandes, M. M.(2006). Mecânica dos Solos – vol. 1: Conceitos e Princípios Fundamentais. Porto, Portugal: FEUP edições (in Portuguese). (7-8-159 (ISEC) V.1o v. – 14004)
Folque, J. (1996). Introdução à Mecânica dos Solos. (2a ed.). Lisboa, Portugal: Ed. LNEC (in Portuguese). (7-8- 118 (ISEC) – 09058)
Vargas, M. (1977). Introdução à Mecânica dos Solos. São Paulo: Brasil: Ed. McGraw-Hill (in Portuguese). (7-8- 63 (ISEC) – 01246)