Spanish Language I

Base Knowledge

No prior knowledge is required

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical activities that allow to fix and develop the contents: oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension, writing topics. It may include: Presentation by the teacher; observation and contrasting analysis of practical examples, search and presentation by students, solving tasks by students.

Learning Results


Reading and listening comprehension; speaking and writing; oral and written interaction; appropriate to the language level and profile of portugueses speaking university students.


Acquire basic skills for oral and written communication in the target language;

Develop those same competences, using the knowledge they have and in contexts adapted to their level of language;

Understand, orally and in writing, instructions and explanations referring to everyday contexts;

Know the basic vocabulary of everyday life: free time activities, the house, physical and psychological states, family, etc;

Request and give information;

Argue and justify in simple contexts;

Describe objects, people, activities and personal tastes;

Be familiar with the pronunciation of Spanish;

Know the basic vocabulary of working life: invoices, delivery notes, furniture and consumables;

Meet some false friends to avoid misunderstanding and production;

Know some aspects of Spanish culture that help to better understand certain aspects of the language that students are studying and that facilitate their learning.


Theme 0: How do you spell it? How is it pronounced?

Spelling and phonetics: The alphabet and its pronunciation.

Theme 1: Getting to know each other. First impressions.

Functional content: 1) greeting and saying goodbye; 2) introducing oneself and others; 3) personal information; 4) expressing purpose and motive.

Grammatical content: 1) Present indicative: regular and irregular verbs; 2) interrogatives; 3) Punctuation: interrogation and exclamation; 4) Copulative conjunction; 5) number and gender agreement (adjectives and nouns); plural formation; 6) abbreviations forms of address; 7) subject and reflexive pronouns.

Lexical content: 1) lengths and farewells; 2) numerals from 0 to 30; 3) forms of address; 4) nationalities. 

Cultural content: 1) physical habits in greetings and farewells in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries; 2) formal and informal treatment (the “tuteo”; titles); 3) the order of familiar names.

Phonetics: Interrogative and exclamatory intonation.

Theme 2. Physical and psychological descriptions.

Functional content: 1) to describe (oneself) physically and psychologically; 2) to express agreement and disagreement; 3) to show (dis)conformity; 4) to express obligation.

Grammatical content: 1) Present indicative: irregular; 2) determinate and indeterminate articles, cacophony and contractions; 3) también y tampoco; sí y no; 4) quantifiers; 5) apocope (uno, bueno, malo); 6) periphrases of obligation; 5) adversative and disjunctive conjunction, negative copulative.

Lexical content: 1) clothing and accessories; 2) colours; 3) physical and psychological traits; 4) ordinal numerals from 30 to 100; 5) months and seasons.

Cultural content: 1) dress codes in the business world.

Theme 3. My people.

Functional content: 1) talking about family; 2) talking about work relationships; 3) expressing likes and preferences.

Grammatical content: 1) Present indicative: irregular; 2) Possessives; 3) contrast ser – estar; 4) comparatives; 5) time adverbs; 6) verb gostar/encantar; 7) apocope (big); 8) indirect complement pronouns.  

Lexical content: 1) The family (kinship relationships, marital status; 2) bosses and work colleagues (qualities and defects); 3).

Cultural content: 1) Relationships in the workplace (formality or informality).

Theme 4: Routines and diaries.

Functional content: 1) expressing anteriority, posteriority and simultaneity; 2) talking about the daily/weekly routine; 3) organising a weekly diary; 4) asking and telling the time; 5) relating actions temporally; 6) asking and talking about frequency; 7) talking about the weather; 8) agreeing business quotes; 9) calling, answering and passing on a telephone call; 10) taking messages/notes; 11) expressing availability or lack of it.

Grammar content: 1) Present indicative: irregular; 2) Adverbs and adverbial locutions of time; 3) estar + gerund; 4) regular gerund (some irregular).

Lexical content: 1) days of the week, parts of the day; 2) times of the year; 3) routine work and leisure activities; 4) the weather; 5) telephone formulas; 6) professions.

Cultural content: 1) working hours in Spain; 2) working days; 3) customs and myths.

Theme 5: The office

Functional content: 1) describe and locate in space; 2) ask for and give directions; 3) start a dialogue.

Grammatical content: 1) Present indicative: irregular; 2) Demonstratives; 3) Indefinites (apocope); 4) power + infinitive; 5) Adverbs and adverbial locutions of place.

Lexical content: 1) workplaces and organisation; 2) office furniture; 3) office supplies; 4) ordinal numbers.

Cultural content: 1) design of workspaces.

Theme 6: Ordering

Functional content: 1) sending an e-mail; 2) placing an order.

Grammatical content: 1) Present tense: irregulars; 2) Interrogatives. 

Lexical content: 1) office supplies; 2) payment methods; 3) discounts; 4) start and footer formulae; 5) numerals from 100 upwards, complex numbers. 6) Punctuation (comma Vs dot).

Cultural content: 1) the letter/ the e-mail (structure).

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliografia essencial:

Alonso, G. et al (2019) Emprendedores. Curso de español para profesionales. A1-A2. Madrid: SGEL.

Alonso Raya, R. et al (2011) Gramática básica del estudiante de español (A1/B1). Madrid: Difusión

Castro, F. (2010) Uso De La Gramatica Espanola Elemental. Madrid: Edelsa.

Real Academia Española (2001) Diccionario de la lengua española (22.ª ed).

Interesting web site: 


Bibliografía complementar:

Alonso, G. et al (2019) Emprendedores. Curso de español para profesionales. A-1-A2. Madrid: SGEL.

Domínguez López, J. & Nueda Guzmán, M. S. (2007) Vocabulario de Español A1-B1. Madrid: enClave, ELE

González, M. et al. (2008) Socios 1 – curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Madrid: Difusión

Martínez, L. & Sabater, M.L (2008) Socios 2 – curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Madrid: Difusión

Palomino Mª. A (2015). Correo comercial. Técnicas y usos. Madrid: Edelsa.

Prada, M. & Mercé, P. (2017) Entorno laboral. Nivel A1/B1. Madrid: Edelsa.

Prost, G. & Noriega Fernández, A. (2006) Al día – Curso de español para los negocios. Madrid: SGEL.

Álvarez, M. et. al (2005): Vuela 1, 2, 3 y 4; Madrid: Anaya.

Interesting web sites:

Diccionario en línea Pons (bilingue)ón
