Spanish Language II

Base Knowledge

Previous knowledge of Spanish is recommended, corresponding to the MECR level of A1.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical activities that allow to fix and develop the contents: oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension, writing topics. It may include: Presentation by the teacher; observation and contrasting analysis of practical examples, search and presentation by students, solving tasks by students.

Learning Results


Reading and listening comprehension; speaking and writing; oral and written interaction; appropriate to the language level and profile of portugueses speaking university students.


Acquire basic skills for oral and written communication in the target language;

Develop those same competences, using the knowledge they have and in contexts adapted to their level of language;

Understand, orally and in writing, instructions and explanations referring to everyday contexts;

Know the basic vocabulary of everyday life: free time activities, the house, physical and psychological states, family, etc;

Request and give information;

Argue and justify in simple contexts;

Describe objects, people, activities and personal tastes;

Know the basic vocabulary of working life: invoices, delivery notes, furniture and consumables;

Meet some false friends to avoid misunderstanding and production;

Know some aspects of Spanish culture that help to better understand certain aspects of the language that students are studying and that facilitate their learning.


Topic 1: Business travel.

1.1 Functional content: 1.1.1) Talking about travelling; 1.1.2); preparing for a trip; 1.1.3) asking for personal details; 1.1.4) expressing requirements and conditions; 1.1.5) expressing preferences.

1.2 Grammar content: 1.2.1) Prepositions for means of transport; 1.2.2) Comparatives and superlatives; 1.2.3) Pronouns with prepositions; 1.2.4) Monosyllable accentuation.

1.3. Lexical content: 1.3.1) Means of transport; 1.3.2) Types and types of accommodation; 1.3.3) Luggage; 1.3.4) Business diary (activities); 1.3.5) Fairs and exhibitions.

1.4. Cultural content: 1.4.1) The Spanish Autonomous Communities and their cities as business travel destinations; 1.4.2) Fairs and exhibitions.

Topic 2: Company events.

2.1 Functional content: 2.1.1) Organising a company event; 2.1.2) Defining a programme of activities; 2.1.3) Writing a formal email; 2.1.4) Inviting and informing about the details of the event;2.1. 5) Requesting information; 6) Talking about plans and projects.

2.2 Grammatical content: 2.2.1) IR A + infinitive; 2.2.2) Adverbs and time clauses; 

2.3 Lexical content: 2.3.1) Vocabulary related to company conventions and activities;

Topic 3: How we were.

3.1 Functional content: 3.1.1) Talking about the present and the past; 3.1.2) Describing people, objects, events in the past; 3.1.3) Talking about actions taking place in the past; 3.1.4) Comparing and contrasting; 3.1.5) Expressing surprise, lack of agreement, indignation.

3.2 Grammar content: 3.2.1) Past tense (pret. Imperfecto); 3.2.2) counter-argumentative markers (en cambio; sin embargo); 3.2.3) temporal markers (antes/ahora); 3.2.4) past continuos (estar + gerundio) VS past tense (pret. Imperfecto); 3.2.5) Accentuation: types of words and general rules.

3.3 Lexical content: 3.3.1) Phrases that denote surprise, lack of agreement

 Topic 4. A company with a history.

4.1 Functional content: 4.1.1) Reporting events in the past with no connection to the present; 4.1.2) Placing actions in the past; 4.1.3) Temporally relating actions in the past; 4.1.4) Writing a biodata (biography + origins and history of a company).

4.2 Grammatical content: 4.2.1) Past simple: regular and irregular; 4.2.2) Contrasting pasts; 4.2.3) Temporal markers of temporal ordering; 4.2.4) Accentuation: hiatuses and diphthongs.  

4.3 Lexical content: 4.3.1) Verbs and nouns that express important actions and events in someone’s life. 

4.4 Cultural content: 4.4.1) Important figures and companies in Spain’s industrial and commercial history; 4.4.2) Products that have made history.

Theme 5: What an experience!

5.1 Functional content: 5.1.1) Recounting past events; 5.1.2) Talking about experiences and curious events; 5.1.3) Reacting to the story; 5.1.4) Writing a report; 5.1.5) Valuing events; 5.1.6) Talking about situations prior to another past moment.

5.2 Grammatical content: 5.2.1) Past perfect; 5.2.2) Direct and indirect object pronouns; 

5.3 Lexical content: 5.3.1) Unusual experiences; 5.3.2) Nouns and adjectives of value.

 Topic 6: The future

6.1 Functional content: 6.1.1) Making predictions; 6.1.2) Talking about future events; 6.1.3) Expressing the future in different ways.

6.2 Grammatical content: 6.2.1) Future; 6.2.2) Contrast with the verb set IR A + infinitive; 6.2.3) Future tense markers.

6.3 Lexical content: 6.3.1) Horoscopes

Curricular Unit Teachers





Alonso, G. et al (2019) Emprendedores. Curso de español para profesionales. A1-A2. Madrid: SGEL.

Alonso Raya, R. et al (2011) Gramática básica del estudiante de español (A1/B1). Madrid: Difusión

Castro, F. (2010) Uso De La Gramatica Espanola Elemental. Madrid: Edelsa.

Real Academia Española (2001) Diccionario de la lengua española (22.ª ed).

Página web de interés: 



Domínguez López, J. & Nueda Guzmán, M. S. (2007) Vocabulario de Español A1-B1. Madrid: enClave, ELE

González, M. et al. (2008) Socios 1 – curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Madrid: Difusión

Martínez, L. & Sabater, M.L (2008) Socios 2 – curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Madrid: Difusión

Palomino Mª. A (2015). Correo comercial. Técnicas y usos. Madrid: Edelsa.

Prada, M. & Mercé, P. (2017) Entorno laboral. Nivel A1/B1. Madrid: Edelsa.

Prost, G. & Noriega Fernández, A. (2006) Al día – Curso de español para los negocios. Madrid: SGEL.

Álvarez, M. et. al (2005): Vuela 1, 2, 3 y 4; Madrid: Anaya.

Páginas web de interés:

Diccionario en línea Infopédia (bilingue)
