Sport Organization and Management

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical framing will be accomplished using powerpoint presentations, oral exposition, individual questioning, through the indication of documents for further studying and available resources over the internet.
As for the TP tasks, diversified methodologies will be adopted, such as oral expositioning, questioning and group assignments.

Learning Results

1. Develop knowledge about management processes suitable for entrepreneurial initiatives within the Organization and Sports Management (OSM).
2. Know the different types of organizational structures.
3. Know the different sports organizations in the Portuguese sports system and its legal framework.
4. Know models of design, organization and implementation of projects and sports and leisure activities programs under the aegis of different sports organizations.
5. Demonstrate ability to integrate work teams aimed at the implementation and evaluation of sports development plans.
6. Develop, according to academic models and professional contexts, documentation on the theoretical context of programs and intervention projects or management in the field of physical activity and sports.
7. Know the sports funding mechanisms, instruments – patronage, sponsorship – and associated legal aspects.


1. OSM: The problematic of sport on its organizational dimension; concepts and theories of organizations; sport
organizations, typology, goals, aims and mission; organizational structures and hierarchical levels; level of intervention for the sport manager
2. Organization of the Portuguese sport public administration: attributions and competences
3. Sport Practice system: Concept of sport system; sectors of practice;
4. Development of sport: processes, characteristics and concept; the sport situation, level of sport, development factors. Framing and development models of the sport participant
5. Planning and project management: concepts and decision taking support models; actions, development programs plans and projects; sport events
6. Contracts sports development program; sponsorship and sports sponsorship as tools for obtaining external financing of sports organizations.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 55.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 35.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Beech, J., & Chadwick. S. (2007). The Marketing of Sport. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Bento, O., & Constantino, J. (2012). Desporto e Municípios: políticas, práticas e programas. Lisboa: Visão e Contextos.

Correia, A. (1993). Gestão de Organizações Desportivas e Segmentos de Praticantes. Ludens. 13(3-4), 79-83.

Hoye, R., Nicholson, M., Westerbeek, H., Smith, A., & Stewart, B. (2012). Sport Management: Principles and Aplications. Abingdon: Routledge.

Lindon, D. et al (2004). Mercator XXI: teoria e prática do marketing. Lisboa: D. Quixote.

Pires, G. (1995). Planeamento e gestão de projectos. Lisboa: FMH.

Pires, G. (2007). Agôn – Gestão do Desporto: O Jogo de Zeus. Porto: Porto Editora.

Mullin, B., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. (1995). Marketing deportivo. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

Slack, T., & Parent, M. (2006). Understanding sport organizations. Champaign: Human Kinetics.