Sports Animation and Recreation

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes: TP, expository and experimental physical and sports activity (AFD); PL, assessment in AFD. ▣Exclusively continuous assessment UC [100% = 20 points]: 1. 40%: Practical exam/oral presentation; 2. 50%: Experimental practice and assessment in AFD; 3. 10%: In-person participation in PL classes (no initial time tolerance in relation to the notified time and place). Frequency/continuous/periodic assessment: Approved if ≥60% out of 2 and ≥80% out of 3. Exam assessment (resource/improvement/special): if you meet the following specific conditions for access to the exam [point 8 of 13. º article of the Academic Regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies ($)] if classifications in 1 ≥30%; in 2. ≥50%; in 3. ≥ 80%.  Exam with theoretical (40%/100%) and practical (60%/100%) tests. Oral admission: cf. with $.

Learning Results

1. Know the fundamentals, concepts and objectives of Sports Animation and Recreation (ARD)
2. Identify the profile and functions of the sports animator and the training that Sports Sciences provide for this purpose
3. Know the legal framework of the ARD
4. Knowing the planning model and teaching methodologies for ARD sessions
5. Experiencing corporal practices, Physical and Sports Activities to be implemented in ARD
6. Identify good ARD practices in different contexts and ages
7. Demonstrate improvement in the level of motor performance in motor skills of motor coordination and physical condition


1. Concepts and fundamentals; Animation and Sport Recreation (ARD), Physical Activity and Sport,
2. Profile, functions and training of ARD professionals and Sports Science Professionals
3. Legal framework of ARDs
4. ARD session planning and template
5. Teaching methodology and dynamization of the ARD session
6. Body Practices, Physical and Sports Activities in Sports ARD: 1) Child Motricity; 2) Games [1) cooperative, 2) pre-sports; 3) sports initiation; 3) Routes and circuits [1) orienteering; 2) nature; 3) physical condition; 4) motor skills; 5) sports skills; 6) Motor coordination]; 3) Activities with alternative materials; 4) Relaxation activities; 5) Traditional games and activities; 6) Gerontomotricity Activities.
7. Best Practices in ARD

Curricular Unit Teachers




• Fundação Vale (2013). Caderno de esporte: Pedagogia da cooperação . Brasil. Ver em caderno-de-esporte-12-pedagogia-cooperacao.pdf – Fundação Vale – Brasil.
• Huizinga, J. (1999). Homo Ludens. São Paulo: Perspectiva.
• Lança, R. (2004). Animação Desportiva e Tempos Livres, uma perspectiva de organização. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
• Lança, R. (2007). O Desporto e o Lazer. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
• Mendes, R., & Dias, G. (2013). Vamos aprender com jogos tradicionais portugueses. Santa Comba Dão: Edições Convite à Música. Ortí, J. (2004). La animación deportiva, el juego y los deportes alternativos. Barcelona:Inde.
• Ramos, A. et al (2001). Animação desportiva para jovens. Coimbra: Almedina.