
Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge is acquired at the level of secondary education.

Teaching Methodologies

There are no classes planned for this curricular unit.

Learning Results

The goals of this course are:

1. Introduce some basic notions about Descriptive Statistics and Probability in order to familiarize the student with the terminology and the main techniques, operationalizing the data treatment using the SPSS

2. Learn techniques of Inferential Statistics and its assumptions in order to use them wisely and critically, acknowledge their limitations, and interpret correctly the results;

3. Know some important concepts of Sampling Theory in order to use them through statistical inference;

4. Know and use techniques of statistical decision: formulate hypotheses and evaluate them through hypothesis testing.


1. Descriptive Statistics: Classification of Data; Characterization of Univariate and Bivariate samples.

2. Elementary Theory of Probability: Probability; Conditional Probability; Combinatorial Calculus.

3. Random Variables – Probability Distribution: Function and Probability Density; Distribution Function; Parameters.

4. Characterization of some univariate distributions: Discrete and Continuous Distributions.

5. Sampling Distributions: Random sample estimator, estimation, sampling distribution.

6. Sampling: Sizing and composition of the sample; Collection, analysis and classification of samples; Statistical treatment of samples.

7. Confidence Intervals: Confidence interval for the population average, for the variance, for the standard deviation and for the ratio.

8. Hypothesis Tests: Test of significance: for average, for variances and for proportions.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Andrade, R., Calapez, T., Melo, P., & Reis, E. (2015). Estatística aplicada 1.Edições Sílabo.

Andrade, R., Calapez, T., Melo, P., & Reis, E. (2019). Estatística aplicada 2. Edições Sílabo.

Gama, S., & Pedrosa, A. C. (2018). Introdução computacional: Probabilidade e estatística com Excel. Porto Editora.

Murteira, B., Ribeiro, C. S., Andrade e Silva, J., Pimenta, C., & Pimenta, F. (2015). Introdução à estatística (3.ª ed.). Escolar Editora.

Negas, E. (2019). Estatística descritiva: Explicação teórica, casos de aplicações e exercícios resolvidos. Edições Sílabo.