
Base Knowledge

Quantitative Methods Applied to Business Sciences,

Teaching Methodologies

The classes are theoretical and practical, according to the curricular plan.

Theoretical component: explanation of the subjects and resolution of illustrative examples.

Practical component: resolution of practical exercises that illustrate and complement the subjects presented in the lectures, under the guidance of the teacher, but encouraging autonomous resolution.


Learning Results


  • Ability to explore data using numerical  and graphical methods, in order to identify the most relevant aspects, with application in the area of Management and Economics. 


  • Ability for analysis and synthesis, oral and written communication, problem solving and application of knowledge in practice.


1. Descriptive statistics

  • 1.1 Data representation and organization
  • 1.2 Statistical measures

2. Probability distributions

  • 2.1 Discrete Theoretical Distributions
  • 2.2 Continuous theoretical distributions
  • 2.3 Sampling and the central limit theorem

3. Parametric estimation

  • 3.1 Point estimation: Estimation methods and properties of estimators
  • 3.2 Interval estimation: construction of confidence intervals

4. Parametric hypothesis tests

  • 4.1 Location tests
  • 4.2 Dispersion tests

5. Linear regression model

  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Simple linear regression model
  • 5.3 Correlation and determination coefficients
  • 5.4 Forecast

Curricular Unit Teachers





Murteira, B. et al (2015). Introdução à Estatística. 3ªEd, Escolar Editora.

Newbold, P., Carlson, W. & Thorne, B. (2022). Statistics for Business and Economics, Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited.

Paulino, C.D. e Branco, J. (2005). Exercícios de Probabilidade e Estatística. Escolar Editora.

Pedrosa, A. e Gama, S. (2016). Introdução computacional à Probabilidade e Estatística, 3ª Ed. Porto Editora.

Webster, A.L. (2007). Estatística aplicada à Administração e Economia. McGraw-Hill.



Anderson, D.R., et al (2017). Statistics for business and economics, 13e.  Cengage Learning.

Curto, J.D. (2016). Estatística: muitas aplicações em Excel e poucas fórmulas. Edição do Autor.

Keller; G. and Gaciu, N. (2020). Statistics for management and economics. 2e. Cengage Learning EMEA.