Strategic Environmental Assessment

Base Knowledge

It is assumed that the students enrolled in this course already have the necessary and sufficient background knowledge to start the study of this curricular unit.

Teaching Methodologies

The development of the theoretical component is carried out using the expository method, using participatory exhibition strategies, case studies and practical examples, using multimedia contents and exploration of available information.

The practical part consists in the development of a work in which the acquired knowledge is applied to a specific case of Municipal Land Use Plan.

Learning Results

Students who pass this course must be proficient in understanding the new tools of Strategic Environmental Assessment, particularly with regard to its application to territorial plans. They should also be proficient in the use of legislation and in understanding the methodologies of Environmental Impact Assessment.


1 – Overview of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

1.1 – Legal framework (Portuguese and European legislation)

1.2 – The process of Environmental Impact Assessment

2 – Introduction to Environmental Legislation os Strategic Environmental Assessment

2.1 – International, European and National legal framework

2.2 – Major legal acts on the environment

3 – Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

3.1 – Legal framework, the SEA Directive and the protocol SEA UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe).

3.2 – The SEA process.

3.3 – Building the context.

3.4 – Basic environmental description, problem identification and links with other strategic actions.

3.5 – Identifying alternatives

3.6 – Documentation, implementation and monitoring

3.7 – Public participation in SEA.

4 – Case study: the SEA in Municipal Plans for Spatial Planning (PMOT).

4.1 – Legal framework

3.2 – The SEA in PMOTs.

4.3 – Procedural aspects of SEA in PMOTs.

4.4 – The SEA of plans and projects EIA

4.5 – Methodological aspects of the SEA of the PMOTs

Curricular Unit Teachers




Portuguese and EU legal diplomas on SEA in full force at the date of each semester.

Agência Portuguesa de Ambiente (2013): Guia de melhores práticas para Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica – Orientações metodológicas para um pensamento estratégico em AAE.

Catita AC, Cardoso IM, Morgado MJ, Guerreiro S e Almeida VF (2007): Guia das Alterações ao Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial. DGOTDU

Botelho MJ e Cunha A (eds) (2008): Guia da Avaliação Ambiental dos Planos Municipais de Ordenamento do Território. DGOTDU

European Commission (2013): Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Partidário R (2007) Guia de Boas Práticas para Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica – orientações metodológicas. APA. 

UNECE (2014): Good practice Recommendations on public Participation in Strategic Environmental Assessment. United Nations.