Learning Results
Introduce general problems of strategic management in the current context of globalization and competitiveness.
Understand and master the concepts and logic of planning and strategic thinking.
Introduce basic techniques that allow the diagnosis of the real positioning of the company.
Characterize and distinguish different types of strategies available to the company.
Emphasize the importance of implementing the business strategy.
1. Introduction to business strategy: concepts and evolution
2. Strategic analysis and positioning: tools and methodologies
3. Strategy selection: alternative options and methods
4. Strategy implementation
Barney, J. B. e Hesterly, I. W. (2008) “Administração Estratégica e Vantagem Competitiva”, Pearson Education, Inc.
Serra, F., Ferreira, M.P., Torres, M.C. e Torres, A.P. (2010), Gestão Estratégica: Conceitos e Prática, Lidel.
Teixeira, S. (2011), Gestão Estratégica, Escolar Editora.
Jonhson, G., Scholes, K. e Whitthington, R. (2005) Explorando a Estratégia Corporativa – Texto e Casos, Bookman
7ª Ed. (*)
Vasconcellos e Sá, J. A. (1997) Os Senhores da Guerra. Bertrand, Lisboa.
Thompson Jr, A., Strickland In, A. e Gamble, J. (2008) Administração Estratégica, McGraw-Hill Internacional do
Brasil, 15ª Ed, São Paulo.