Strategic Marketing

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical contents of the curricular unit will be presented through theory lectures and theorical/pratical for resolution of exercises or discussion and analysis of case studies.

The assessment includes two individual works (15%+15%), group work (20%) and an indivual test (40%). Participation will count for 10% of the final grade.

The final examination of this assignment consists in a written test (50%) and work with the same weight and whose purpose is to characterize the marketing strategy of a brand.

Learning Results

At the end of this course the students should know

– Define the strategic Marketing concept

– Understand the sources of information to analysis the marketing environment

– Create a market segmentation strategy, differentiation and positioning

– Identify the variables in decisions about product, price, distribution and communication


Chapter 1: 

The function of marketing

1- Marketing in the company and in the economy

2- From Marketing 1.0 to Marketing 4.0

3- From marketing orientation to market orientation

4- The key-concepts of marketing

II: The Marketing 5.0.

1- The characterization of the context

2- The new orientation

3- Collaborative, cultural and spiritual Marketing

Chapter 2

I: Understanding consumer behaviour

1 – Analysing buyer’s behaviour

2 – The marketing information system

3 – The buyer’s response behaviour

4 – The consumer of the XXI century: from hyper-consumption to responsible consumption

Chapter 3

I: Developing a marketing strategy

1 – Needs analysis through segmentation

2 – Competitiveness analysis

3 – Positioning and differentiation

5 – Choosing a marketing strategy

6 – The strategic marketing plan

II: The application of the strategic marketing plan

1 – Product

2 – Price

3 – Communication

4 – Distribution

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 50.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 40.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%
  • - Individual Work - 30.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%




OOLEY, G., SAUNDERS, J. & PIERCY, N. (2005), Estratégia de

Marketing e Posicionamento Competitivo , São Paulo, Prentice Hall Brasil

KOTLER, P. & ARMSTRONG, G. (2018), Princípios de Marketing 17ª edicion, Pearson Educacion.

KOTLER, P. & KELLER, K. (2016), Marketing Management, 15th edition, Pearson Education.

KOTLER,  P., KARTAJAYA, H. & SETIAWAN, I. (2021), Marketing 5.0, Lisboa, Actual Editora.

MOUTINHO, L., TEIXEIRA, N. & ZEFERINO, A. (2022), Marketing futureland, Lisboa, Editora Lidel.  

RODRIGUES, V., DIONISIO, P. et al. (2018), Mercator 25 anos – o Marketing na era digital. Lisboa, D. Quixote.

SOLOMON, M., MARSHALL, G. & STUART, E. (2022), Marketing real people, real choices, Pearson Education.