Strategic Planning of Gastronomical Projects

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The interdisciplinary nature of the course involves the use of diverse methodologies, using theoretical and theoretical-practical classes in order to implement the active method, favoring the understanding of certain topics, as well as the method of discovery for others. To obtain approval (minimum score of 10 marks), students must choose one of the following assessment methods:

1) Exam

Assessment by final exam consists in the completion of a single written test of knowledge (100%), to be held in the respective assessment periods.

2) Continuous/periodic assessment

The continuous/periodic assessment results from the following assessment parameters

a) completion of a gastronomic project, to be presented / defended orally (80%), which percentage is divided into written component (60%) and oral component (20%);

b) performing exercises/ worksheets during classes (20%).

Learning Results

Stimulate skills that allow the detection of market opportunities;

Promote the knowledge and mastery of the strategic planning process;

Enhance skills to develop a coherent and sustainable gastronomic project.


1. The gastronomic market

1.1 Global trends with influence on the development of gastronomic projects

1.2 Market opportunities analysis: resources and tools

2. The strategic planning process and gastronomy

2.1 Models and dimensions of strategic planning

2.2 Strategic thinking applied to gastronomy

3. The formulation of the gastronomic project

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Project - 80.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Coutinho, A. P. & Correia, M. (2019). Mesas Migrantes: Projetos de Alimentopia (1ª Edição). U.Porto Press. 375244.pdf (

Pinheiro, R., & silva, M. (2018). A gastronomia como alternativa para a redução da desigualdade social: Estudo de caso sobre o projeto social Gastromotiva. Revista Desafios, 5 (3), 86-93. DOI:

Rodrigues, C., Costa, A., & Sardo, A. (2019, novembro 5-7*). Turismo gastronómico: proposta de uma carta gastronómica para a região da Comunidade Intermunicipal das Beiras e Serra da Estrela [Paper presentation]. XI International Tourism Congress –  ITC’19 – The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations (Proceedings Book)*. Proceedings_Book_ITC19.pdf

Garcia, J. P., Zaneti, T., Diniz, J., & Gueneau, S. (2022). Dinâmicas alimentares alternativas e gastronomia: Consumo de produtos locais em restaurantes de Brasília. Revista Grifos, 31(57), 1-18. DOI: