Strategy and Challenges for the Hotel Sector

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

It will be applied active teaching methodologies that allow students to find out responses by themselves, throughout theoretical and practical classes, in order to approach themes that are considered to be framed on several fields of knowledge, interconnected, but distinct on several challenges that are faced considering the development of the tourism and hotel industries.
The assessment of the UC will have as compulsory the continuous assessment (pass with a minimum of 10), according to the following parameters:
a) completion of a written and individual test of knowledge (30%);
b) completion of a project in group, which must be presented/defended orally (70%), whose weighting is divided into a written component (50%) and an oral component (20%).
In case of failure by continuous assessment, the student will have access to assessment by final exam, which consists in the realization of a single written test of knowledge assessment (100%), to be held in the respective assessment period.

Learning Results

The objectives of the curricular unit are the development of skills that allow the students:
1 – To identify the main tourism trends in a global context and the positioning of Portugal as a tourist destination, the main challenges and strategies for its development;
2 – To reinforce the knowledge about fundamental concepts of the hotel business and identification of different types of hotel companies in Portugal;
3 – To understand the need to develop accessible tourist products, recognizing the importance of accessibility, within the concept of tourism for all, throughout the tourism value chain and, in particular, the hotel service;
4 – To understand and identify strategies to be developed in order to create innovative and creative experiences in the territorial and hotel context;
5 – To understand the reasons for the need to act responsibly considering the trends in the hotel sector and sustainable development, ethics and corporate social responsibility.


1. General framework of the tourism activity: concepts, indicators, trends and challenges
2. Hospitality and strategy: framework and rationale
3. Accessible tourism and the hotel industry: conceptualization, dimension and good practice cases
4. Creative tourism in the hotel context: key concepts, strategies and good practices
5. Sustainability and CSR as a competitiveness factor in hospitality: concepts, areas of intervention, certification and cases of good practice

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Frequency - 30.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 70.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




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Castilho, F., Oliveira, M. R., Moura, A., Lima, S. & Devile, E (2022). The relevance of CSR in the hospitality industry according to the GCET and the SDGs. V. Costa & C. Costa, (Eds), Sustainability and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9285-4
Geerts, W. (2014). Environmental certification schemes: Hotel managers’ views and perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 39, 87-96.
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Moura, A., Eusébio, C. & Devile, E. (2022): The ‘why’ and ‘what for’ of participation in tourism activities: travel motivations of people with disabilities, Current Issues in Tourism,