Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
•The methodology to be adopted, will be an active and experiential methodology.
•In order to be better able to incorporate the specific dynamics of a colony or summer camp, we decided to organize the unit as an intensive course, residential, essentially practical and experimental, in a vacation center, where these activities are carried out regularly.
•So we try to provide the trainees, the routines and the specific dynamics of a summer camp, as well as the daily life of an animator in this context.
• The assessment will involve participation in practical activities. The final evaluation will consist of: Participation = 10%| AEC = 10% | Theoretical Work = 10% | Practice = 50% | Preparation of support elements and practice registration = 20%.
Learning Results
Understand the potential of Summer Camps as potential educational resource as part of an permanent educational activity;
Become aware of the historical background and the place that the leisure activities and leisure occupy in society;
Linking the camps and summer camps, operating their own dynamics;
Understand the relationship between work project and program activities;
Analyze in several ways, the relationship of the different teams, with summer camp as a whole;
Acquire the notion of the importance and responsibility when it assumes the responsibility of leading a team;
Acquire some animation techniques in the domain of play and expressions in order to stimulate creativity and expressiveness;
Acquire technical notions of planning, organizing activities, counseling and group leadership, and teamwork.
Understand the potential of Summer Camps as potential educational resource as part of an permanent educational activity;
Become aware of the historical background
1. The social and historical framework of the summer camps;
2. Summer camps, as an important context socioeducational;
3.Types of activities;
4.Technical and educational resources;
5.Development of educational programs;
6.The daily life of an animator at summer camp – role and functions;
7. Group Dynamics;
8.Preparation, organization, promotion and mentoring of the group;
9.Pedagogical devices generators of co-responsibility, autonomy and self-management.
10. Prevention and safety in the activities
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Synthesis work - 10.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Support Elements Preparation - 20.0%
- - Curriculum Enrichment Activities - 10.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
AUGUSTIN, Jean-Pierre; Gillet, Jean-Claude,(2000). “L’ Animation Professionnelle – Histoire, acteurs, enjeux”. Paris, L’Harmattan.
BESNARD, Pierre, (1991) La animación Sociocultural. Madrid: Narcea
CABANAS, Quintana (1989).Fundamentos de La Animación Sociocultural, Madrid: Popular, Cap. I;
CANÁRIO, Rui (Org.). (2007). “Educação Popular & Movimentos Sociais”. Lisboa, Educa-Fac. Psic. e Ciênc. da Educação.
GILLET, Jean-Claude (2006). “La animación en la comunidad – Un modelo de animación socioeducativa”.
LEAL, António, (2004).’ Contextualização histórica e social da Animação sociocultural’. Coimbra: ESEC.
LOPES, Marcelino, 2006. A Animação sociocultural em Portugal. Chaves: Intervenção.
TRILLA, Jaume. (1998). Animacióm Sociocultural: Teorias, Âmbitos e Programas. Barcelona: ARIEL.
VENTOSA, Victor J. (2004).“Métodos Activos y Técnicas de Participación – para educadores y formadores”. Madr
VENTOSA, Victor, (1990). Fuentes de la Animación sociocultural en Europa, Madrid: Popular.