
Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of trigonometry

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical-practical lessons the lecture method is used. In practices lessons is used methodology by objective, group learning. Problem solving in groups and individually. Students should perform a practical work in groups, where applicable acquired content. In Tutorial class one follows a methodology based on skills and group learning, guiding the implementation of practical work. The students’ evaluation will be done by: Realization of final exam, the exam will be quoted for 20 values Individual exercises, Ei. Practical work group, TG The final mark is NF = 70% Exam + 25% TG+ 5% Ei

Learning Results

Knowing the theoretical and practical concepts of cartography and topography. Know and use instruments to perform topographic surveys and implementation of points on the ground.


Introduction to geodetic basic definition. Coordinates Systems. Angles measurement, horizontal and vertical angles. Theodolite, sources of errors. Distance measurement, direct and indirect measurements electronic distance measurement. Use of total station. Plane surveying: irradiation, triangulation, traverses. Leveling. Trigonometric leveling and direct leveling. Introduction to Global Positioning Systems.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Uren J. Price B. (2010). Surveying for Engineers. Palgrave.

Mikhail, A. (1998). Surveying Theory and Practice Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill