Sustainable Development and Environmental Management

Base Knowledge

Energy Management

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical: theoretical exposition of various matters; Case-studies presentation.
Practical: Problem solving; Case-studies analysis
Students have weekly voluntary support through instructor’s office hours (6 hours availability, overall).

Learning Results

Learning objectives:
To provide deeper knowledge of sustainable development;
To understand the relationship between energy systems and sustainable development;
To learn of sustainable energy options;
To learn about technologies and systems for improving energy efficiency;
To understand the basic concepts of Environmental Management Systems (EMS);
To learn how to implement an EMS;
To understand the basic concepts of EMS auditing.
Generic learning outcomes and competences – At the end of this course unit the learner is expected to be able:
Have significant capacity to conceptualize energy activities and their link to development issues;
Promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources;
Design and understand an EMS;
Develop the interpersonal skills and experience necessary for effective teamwork;
Apply safety concepts and develop the professional responsibility for the quality of engineering work performed.


Part I – Sustainable Development. The concept of sustainability and sustainable development. Principles of Sustainable Development: economic development, social development and environmental protection. International activities. The local context. Local Agenda 21. The use of indicators. Energy and Sustainable Development Principles of sustainable energy. Energy Efficiency: The role of energy efficiency in achieving sustainable development; End-use efficiency. Renewable energy: The role of technological development. Sustainable Urban Energy Planning.

Part II – Environmental Management. Introduction to Environmental Management Systems. Motivation to implement an Environmental Management System. The ISO 14001: 2015 standard and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). Design, development and implementation of Environmental Management Systems. The NP EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard. Environmental Certification Process. Brief reference to the Portuguese most relevant environmental legislation. Environmental Audits. The NP EN ISO 19011: 2019 standard.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main Bibliography

Part I

Energy Institute (2023). Statistical Review of World Energy 2023. Available at:

Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia (2023). Energia. Available at: (in Portuguese)

Dulce Coelho (2018). Uma Metodologia de Apoio ao Planeamento Energético Urbano Sustentável. ISEC, Coimbra (in Portuguese)

International Energy Agency (2023). World Energy Outlook 2023. IEA, Paris. Available at:

Norma NP EN ISO 50001:2019

Observatório da Energia, DGEG, ADENE (2023). Energia em Números – Edição 2023. ADENE, Lisboa, Portugal. Disponível em: (in Portuguese)

Resolução n.º 53/2020 do Conselho de Ministros (2020). Diário da República: I Série, n.º 133/2020. Available at: (in Portuguese)


Part II

Norma NP EN ISO 14001:2015.

Guimarães Sá, J., Santos, João; de Sousa, Teresa Carvalho e de Sousa, Rita Ribeiro (2016). Guia do Utilizador ISO 14001:2015. APCER, available at: (in Portuguese)

Regulamento (CE) n.º 1221/2009 de 25 de Novembro de 2009, available at:

Regulamento (UE) 2017/1505 de 28 de agosto de 2017, available at:

Regulamento (UE) 2018/2026, de 19 de dezembro, available at:

Decreto-Lei n.º 95/2012 de 20 de abril, available at: (in Portuguese)