Teaching Practicum IV

Base Knowledge

This CU integrates the PPI component.In this sense, the CU structure (organized in two TP + E components)
seeks to articulate progressively the knowledge built up during the training, including those that come from
the internship experience, observation skills and data collection in the field, to the analysis of the experience.

Teaching Methodologies

During the course unit is made use of:
* Presentation of program contents of the curricular unit by teacher;
* Individual or group research and tasks;
* Presentation and discussion of the work;
* Sharing and analisys of information collected in Internship Centers.
Tutorial guidence is provided.
Students may choose between the assessment by frequency or by examination. The frequency modality include three components whose final classification result on weighted average:
– The quality of participation in TP class (40%);
– Portfolio and performance in the week of initiation to professional practice (60%).
The examination only include the contents of theoretical and practical lessons (50%) and it cannot substitute the period of introduction to teaching practice nor for the respective portfolio and the internship attendance (50%).
This subject excludes the realization of the entire assessment by examination, given the requirement of internship attendance and corresponding portfolio

Learning Results

OEI IV aims to promote the personal and professional development of students, enlarging their conceptions around Basic Education, its extent and goals. Through diverse formative experiences in non-formal educative contexts it encourages the development of attitudes, knowledge and skills that are specific competences of the educational professional in basic education, expecting that students at the end of the subject will be able to:
Understand as a professional field the diversity of non-formal educational structures focused on basic education;
Identify features of reflexive and fundamented practices in intentional educative intervention of non-formal intervention;
Distinguish the different contexts of intervention, its mission and specificity.
Make use of this knowledge in the analysis of practicum context.


1. The educational intervention in non-formal contexts of education:
1.1. Principles and purposes;
1.2. Core competencies and new educational needs of modern societies;
1.3. Contexts and practices: national and international experiences.
2. The purposeful educational intervention process and the development of integrated practices;
2.1. The observation and critical reflection on the construction and adjustment of the educational process;
2.2. The processes of diagnosis and deliberation of educational action in non-formal contexts of education;
2.3. The construction and promotion of socio-educational projects in non-formal education contexts
3. The dimension of creative and playful learning in non-formal contexts of education.
4.The construction of the professionalism of teachers in non-formal contexts of education.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Theoretical and practical lessons - 40.0%
  • - Portfolio and the internship attendance - 60.0%
Periodical Evaluation
  • - Portfolio - 60.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 40.0%




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