Team Sports

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The contents will be presented in expositive sessions and PL sessions will be presented trough oral exposition, demonstration observation/correction and specific educational materials to each block.

 The evaluation will be made by continuous evaluation (CE) or exam (EE) [200 points (p) = 20 marks].


1. Participation in classes and other activities – 10 p

2. T assessments – 90 p

3. PL assignments – 100 p

For approbation on the CE the student must have a minimum of: 50 p in item 3


2. T assessment – 100 p

3. PL assignment – 100 p

To access PL assessment the student must have a minimum of: 50 p in the T assessment.

Learning Results

1. Know thehistory and organization, physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects for each sport.: Basketball, handball, and Volleyball

2. Show proficiency in the technical and tactical elements that are considered fundamental for each sport.

3. Know how to adapt activities and physical exercises, taking into consideration the specific level of development, physical condition and expectations of the person or people to whom the session is destinated.


1. Organizational history and context of the team sports (TS).

2. Systematics of the TS: terminology, structural analysis and functional, principles for guiding behaviours and specific didactics.

2.1. Teaching and practicing basketball.

2.2. Teaching and volleyball.

2.3. Teaching and practice of handball.

3. Specific and traditional warming up models for each team sport.

4. Didactic arrangements to improve the organization, communication, discipline, motivation and learning within groups.

5. Planning and supervision of technical and tactical exercises for each sport.

6. strategies for the referee in adapted and formal games.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - theorical component - 45.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
  • - Laboratorial assessment - 50.0%




  1. Adelino, J. (1992). As coisas simples do basquetebol. Lisboa: ANTB.
  2. Araújo, A. (2008); Manual de treinadores de Minibásquete ± Compilação dedocumentos produzidos por FPB, ENB e CNMB; Documento disponível no site daFederação Portuguesa de Basquetebol.
  3. Bayer, C. (1986). La enseñanza de los juegos deportivos colectivos. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
  4. Federação Portuguesa de voleibol (2011) Artigos técnicos d FPV; Disponível no site da Federação Portuguesa de Voleibol.
  5. Graça, A. & Oliveira, J. (Editores) (1995). O Ensino dos Jogos Desportivos. Porto: FCDEF-UP.
  6. Mesquita, I. (2004). A pedagogia do treino. A formação em jogos desportivos colectivos (3.ª edição). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
  7. Parellada, J. (coord.) (1989). Deporte 92. Balonmano. Barcelona: Editorial 92.
  8. Ribeiro, M. & Volossovitch, A. (2004). Andebol 1. O Ensino do Andebol dos 7 aos 10 anos. Lisboa: FMH e FAP
  9. Ribeiro, M. & Volossovitch, A. (2008). Andebol 2. O Ensino do Andebol dos 11 aos 14 anos. Lisboa: FMH e FAP