Tecnologias da Manutenção

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes, an exposition of the material complemented with practical examples (ex. vídeos) is made and in the laboratory are used technologies and studied cases and existing frameworks, related to the knowledge acquired in the theoretical classes

Learning Results

Choose and determine the best technology to use as EAM;
Choose and determine the best technology to use as CMMS;
Choose and determine the best technology to use as an IOT platform;
Choose and determine the best technology to use as Big Data analysis platform;
Choose and determine the best technology to use as expert system, augmented reality;
To study, choose and determine how to interconnect the existing ones, so as to a correct functioning;
Design an integrated total system through the use of commercial, academic or research products;
Perceive the technologies to support maintenance activities and design and design a systems supported in coherent and functional choices.


EAM / CMMS and online reading of the sensors.
Automatic registration in the CMMS: Automatic creation of the equipment dossier; Automatic Creation of Maintenance Plans; Automatic Creation of Calibrations and Verifications.
Real-time interaction. Remote Maintenance. IOT. Big data.
Equipment: Self-diagnosis system and real-time communication.
Automatic integration of the Virtual model, for use with Augmented Reality and Artificial Vision.
Automatic location system.
Autonomous, interactive robots and maintenance support logistics.
Expert Systems; Artificial vision; mixed vision; augmented reality.
Protocols and interoperation of data between information systems.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography in the library:

  • Farinha, J.M.T. (2018). Asset maintenance engineering methodologies. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. 978-1-138-03589-8. Cota: 2A-6-121 (ISEC) – 18383.
  • Assis, R. (1997). Reliability-Centric Maintenance: Economics of Decisions. Lidel. 972-757-037-2. Cota: 2A-6-33 (ISEC) – 08702.
  • Assis, R. (2004). Decision support in maintenance management: reliability and maintainability. Lidel. 972-757-298-7. Cota: 2A-6-57 (ISEC) – 16759.
  • Cabral, José Paulo Saraiva. (1998). Maintenance organization and management: from concepts to practice. Lidel. 972-757-052-6. Cota: 2A-6-36 (ISEC) – 09879.

Existing bibliography on the support platform:

  • Fonseca, I. (2021). Statements of practical work, Slides of lectures.
  • Fonseca, I. (2021). Support Software.
  • Several material in electronic format, through the moodle platform, from acetates, Excel sheets, and software according to the programmatic contents.

Extra bibliography:

  • Pinto, João Paulo. (2013), Lean Maintenance. Lidel. 978-972-757-877-1.
  • Assis, R. (2014). Support Decision on Maintenance in Physical Asset Management. Lidel. 978-989-752-112-6.
  • Cabral, José Paulo Saraiva. (2006). Maintenance organization and management: from concepts to practice. Lidel. 978-972-757-440-7.
  • Cabral, José Paulo Saraiva. (2013). Maintenance Management of Equipment, Facilities and Buildings. Lidel. 978-972-757-970-9.