Tecnologias de Informação

Base Knowledge

There are none.

Teaching Methodologies

The contents of the course is presented through examples.

Students solve exercises to practice solving different types of problems.

To encourage autonomy in the use of tools, students carry out group assignments.

Learning Results

  • Use information communication technologies efficiently and autonomously;
  • Use spreadsheets to automate calculations and procedures;
  • Integrate different tools, choosing the most appropriate resources for each task;
  • Design a database in the relational model;
  • Create a database in Access keeping integrity rules;
  • Create different types of queries in an Access database;
  • Recognize the technologies used in Information Systems;
  • List the potential of Information Systems;
  • Distinguish types of Information System;
  • Identify characteristics of specific types of information systems and their potential in organizational information management.


  1. Word processor (Word)
    1. Advanced document formatting
    2. Different types of automatic index
    3. Automatic insertion of bibliographic references
    4. Document review: comments, markings and changes registration
    5. Mailing using lists from different tools
  2. Spreadsheet (Excel)
    1. Editing, formatting and selecting cells and / or ranges
    2. Formulas and functions
    3. Lists and series
    4. Relative, absolute and mixed references
    5. Graphics
    6. Simulation and optimization tools: Scenarios, Simulation tables, Optimization and Hypothesis Analysis
    7. Printing: selection, headers, footers and dimension
  3. Database Management System
    1. Database Models
    2. Access
      1. Design of a Database
      2. Creation of efficient tables and their relations
      3. Creation of selection and action queries (deletion, insertion and updating)
      4. Forms
      5. Reports
      6. Content from external data sources integration
  4. Information Systems
    1. Introduaction to Information Systems
      1. Data, information and knowledge
      2. Information System Concept
    2. Some types of Information Systems
      1. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
      2. CMS (Content Management System)
      3. Email Marketing Platform

Curricular Unit Teachers




Alturas, B. (2013). Introdução aos sistemas de informação organizacionais (1st ed.). Edições Sílabo.

Martins, A. (2020). Excel aplicado à gestão: Exemplos resolvidos. Sílabo.

McGrath, M. (2019). Access in easy steps. In easy steps limited.

Wilson, K. (2020). Using excel 2019: The step-by-step guide. Elluminet Press.

Wilson, K. (2020). Using word 2019: The step-by-step guide. Elluminet Press.