Textile Design Studio I

Base Knowledge

Não aplicável

Teaching Methodologies


The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:

– Oral presentation focused on the planned contents;

– Development of works under the guidance of teachers.




Given the specificity of this curricular unit, the student must guarantee the minimum presence in 42 contact hours (classes), assisting, in this condition, the right to take the exam, if he has not obtained approval by continuous evaluation.



– Exercise 1 – weight of 15% in the evaluation;

– Exercise 2 – weight of 35% in the evaluation;

– Exercise 3 – 50% weight in the evaluation.


– Theoretical-practical component – 50% of the evaluation

– Practical Component – 50% of the evaluation   

Learning Results

3.1. Understanding concepts and principles applied to textile design in multicontext.

3.2. Planning of the conceptual project.

3.3. Identifying the products used in the textile industry and explaining their application processes in the context of project development.

4.4. Conceiveing textile design projects that take into account their different components


4.1. Noção de projeto e etapas de um projeto em design têxtil

4.2. Princípios gerais da elaboração do projeto em design têxtil

4.3. Proposta e seleção de tema com enfoque na área de especialização

4.4. Vigilância tecnológica e levantamento de estado de arte

4.5. Definição do âmbito, objetivos e resultados esperados

4.6. Definição e planeamento de atividades

4.7. Conceção e materialização de projeto

4.8. Elaboração do relatório técnico de projeto

Curricular Unit Teachers




1. Brown, S. & McQuaid, M. (2017). Scraps: Fashion, Textiles, and Creative Reuse. Cooper Hewitt.

2. Dennis, P. (2015). Lean Production Simplified: A Plain-Language Guide to the World’s Most Powerful Production System. Third Edition. Productivity Press.

3. Hopp, W. & Spearman,L. (2000). Factory Physics: Foundations of Manufacturing Management. Second Edition. Irwin McGraw Hill.

4. Russell, A. (2021). The Fundamentals of printed textile design. Bloomsbury Artes Visuais

5. Steed, J. (2020) Sourcing Ideas for Textile Design: Researching Colour, Surface, Structure, Texture and Pattern. Bloomsbury Visual Arts

6. Sposito, S. (2023). Fabrics In Fashion Design The Complete Textile Guide. Third updated and enlarged edition /anglais. Hoaki