Theatrical Aesthetics

Base Knowledge

Knowledge acquired in HTLD I and HTLD II

Teaching Methodologies

-Analysis and discussion of theoretical texts, previously distributed to students.
-Analysis of iconography.

Students must choose one of the two modes: Continuous evaluation or Exam.

Continuous evaluation
Tests and papers: 90%
Active participation: 10%

Learning Results

The student should be able to:
1. Identify and contextualize the main lines of thought of some of the more relevant theorics and men of theatre.
2. Understand the impact of their theories in theatrical pratctices, whether it’s the staging, the work of the actor, the stage or set design architecture.
3. Develop aesthetic affinities that allow him to position himself as a creator.


-Plato and Aristotle. The concept of mimesis.
-Diderot and the ‘ Paradox of the comedian ‘. The issue of sensitivity. Mademoiselle Dumesnil/Mademoiselle Clairon.
-Hegel. The dramatic conflict
-Antoine: the tasks of naturalistic director.
-Stanislavski’s from work on memories to the physical actions method.
-Meyerhold: constructivism and biomechanics.
-Appia, a new conception of the scenic space.
-Craig, the full power of the Director and the actor super-marionet.
-Piscator: the political theater. The project of W. Gropius for a new Theatrical building.
-Artaud: the search for a magic theater free from literature and from the limits of the Italian stage.
-Brecht: for a non-Aristotelian theater
-Grotowski: the «negative way»

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 90.0%




ANTOINE, André, Conversas sobre a encenação. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 7 Letras, 2001
APPIA, Adolphe, A obra de arte viva. Lisboa: Arcádia, sd.
ARTAUD, Antonin, O teatro e o seu duplo. Lisboa: Minotauro, sd.
ARISTÓTELES, Poética. Lisboa: Imp. Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1994
BORIE, Monique; ROUGEMONT, Martine de; SCHERER, Jacques, Estética teatral; textos de Platão a Brecht. Lisboa: Gulbenkian, 2011
BRECHT, Bertolt, Estudos sobre teatro; para uma arte dramática não aristotélica. Lisboa: Arcádia,sd.
CRAIG, Gordon, Da arte do teatro. Lisboa: Arcádia, sd.
DIDEROT, Denis, Paradoxo sobre o comediante. Lisboa: Guimarães Ed., 2010
GROTOWSKI, Jerzy, Para um teatro pobre. Rio de Janeiro: Dulcina Editora, 2011
HEGEL, G.W.F. Estética, Lisboa: Guimarães, 1993
MEYERHOLD, Vsevolod, O teatro teatral. Lisboa: Arcádia, 1980
PISCATOR, Erwin, Teatro político. Rio de Janeiro: Civ. Brasileira, 1968
ROUBINE, Jean-Jacques, Introdução às grandes teorias do teatro. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2003