Thermal and Acoustic Behaviour of Buildings

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Illustration of the subjects with the support of different information systems, as a means to captivate students’ interest and to give them a more active participation in classes. Students will also have at their disposal various documents and catalogues of equipment and materials.

Students will also be encouraged to do further study on these subjects, using the recommended bibliography, other books or documents, and the Internet.

Availability of teachers to clarify students’ uncertainties during office hours is provided. Outside these hours, contact will be made via electronic message (e-mail) and through the “InforDocente” platform.

Learning Results

In this subject we intend to present the fundamental notions of thermal comfort, the most common aspects of building construction and their influence on the thermal and acoustic comfort of its occupants.

At the same time, we aim to help students develop skills required to perform thermal and acoustic design of buildings, as well as contribute to the development of the capacity to conduct energy audits of buildings.


1. Constructive Aspects of Buildings
Reinforced concrete structure; intermediate floors and ground floors; walls; roofs; windows and shading devices; main types of finishing of interiors and exteriors surfaces.

2. Thermal behaviour of buildings
Calculation of thermal inertia of a building; calculation of thermal transmission coefficients of building elements; calculation of solar glazing factors; natural and/or mechanic ventilation; calculation of nominal annual energy needs for cooling, heating and for hot water preparation; REH conformity verification of a building. Calculation of thermal heating and cooling loads of a building.

3. Thermal Comfort 
Definition of thermal comfort; thermoregulation; physical and individual parameters; human heat balance equation; thermal comfort equation; Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD); local thermal discomfort; occupational exposure to hot and cold thermal environments – heat stress and cold stress; physiological responses to heat and cold; medical effects of exposure to hot and cold environments; characterization of the occupational hot and cold exposures; heat and cold stress indices.

4. Acoustics of Buildings
General knowledge; isolation to air sounds; isolation to percussion sounds; acoustic quality of spaces; constructive solutions and application exercises.

Curricular Unit Teachers




  • PARSONS, K. – Human Thermal Environments – The effects of hot, moderate and cold environments on human health, comfort and performance. Taylor and Francis, Second Edition, London, 2003.
  • Oliveira, A. Virgílio M., Diapositivos de apoio às aulas teóricas de Comportamento Térmico e Acústico de Edifícios, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (DEM-ISEC), 2020.
  • Silva, Hélder, Ambiente Térmico e Ventilação, Edições Sílabo. ISBN: 978-972-618-725-7
  • Patrício, Jorge – Acústica nos Edifícios – Verlag Dashöfer. 2008. ISBN: 978-972-8906-55-9
  • Everest, F. Alton – Master Handbook of Acoustics – McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN: 0-07-136097-2
  • Measuring Sound, em:
  • Measurement Microphones, em:
  • Pais Vaz, M. Luísa I. – Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios – Apontamentos de apoio da disciplina de Comportamento Térmico e Acústico de Edifícios, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (DEM-ISEC), 2021.
  • Legislação – Sistema de Certificação Energética dos Edifícios, em