
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology adopted is based on the exposition of the fundamental concepts of topography and on the interrogative method to encourage the spirit of reflection. In addition, a strong practical component is expected, which will play a relevant role in motivating students to handle the equipment when carrying out topographic surveys.

Learning Results

a)       Know the general concepts related to topographic surveys;

b)       Identify the concepts of planimetry and altimetry, and the different methods used to represent the relief;

c)       Identify photogrammetry elements;

d)       Know the different positioning methods and procedures (fundamentals and applications) that provide adequate precision in the georeferencing and establishment of reference vertices and positioning of boundary vertices (artificial and natural).


Module I. Topography and topographic equipment (9 hours)

a)       e) Topographic surveys;

b)       f) Photogrammetry elements;

c)       g) Topographic equipment. Measurement errors. Accuracy errors and limitations;

d)       h) Individual practice of using topographic equipment.


Module II. Positioning Techniques (Fundamentals and Applications) (6 hours)

a)       i) Positioning methods (static, dynamic and real-time post-processing);

b)       j) Errors in spatial observations;

c)       k) Practice in a training context.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Evaluation by frequency
  • - 1 Written individual tests (Module I) - 50.0%
  • - 1 work (Module II) - 50.0%
Evaluation by examination
  • - 1 work - 50.0%
  • - Written individual tests - 50.0%




A. (2010) Topografia aplicada à Engenharia Civil. Vol. 1. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher.

Borges, A. (1992). Exercício de Topografia. 3.ª ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher. Casaca, J. et al. (2005). Topografia Geral. Lidel.