Teaching Methodologies
Fundamental theoretical knowledge is transmitted via periods of oral exposition and discussion. The application of that knowledge is achieved via field visits and group work, focusing on bibliographic research, individual and group study. Assessment is carried out by written tests and reports. There are no minimal grades for any of the assessment items; lacking items are counted as zero in the final grade.
Learning Results
Knowledge: 1) To know the typology of protected areas, their geographical distribution and the reasons for their status; 2) Understand the environment as the basis for nature tourism; 3) To know the ecosystems of protected areas: 4) To know legislation on hunting, fishing and nature tourism.
Skills: 1) To interpret, collaborate on the elaboration and follow nature and biodiversity conservation projects; 2) To monitor and evaluate the sustainable use of protected areas; 3) To implement good environmental practices and conduct codes.
Competences: Demonstrate ability to 1) work in team; 2) manage and organize work; 3) adapt to new methodologies and technologies.
1. Nature activities and environment: status of biodiversity in Portugal and the world; touristic interests in biodiversity;
2. Protected areas, Natura 2000 network, Ramsar sites, and biosphere reserves: typology, creation, location and codes of conduct;
3. Biodiversity, importance and vulnerability of protected areas;
4. Nature tourism and codes of conduct: legislation, tourism enterprises and tourist animation activities; measures for protection, conservation and management of ecosystems; 5.Hunting and fishing: legislation, relation with other nature tourism activities, and with nature and biodiversity conservation.
Grading Methods
- - Teste escrito - 100.0%
- - Trabalho individual - 25.0%
- - Trabalho de grupo - 25.0%
- - Teste escrito - 50.0%
CASTAÑER, M; FREGUELL, RM. 1998. Turismo sostenible en los espacios protegidos. El caso del parque natural de la zona volcánica de la Garrotxa”, Sociedade e Território, 28: 80-87.
Portal do ICNF: conteúdos e legislação aplicável
ALVES, J et al. 2009. Habitats Naturais e Seminaturais de Portugal Continental. Assírio & Alvim, ISBN: 978-972-37-1380-0.
DIAS, R. 2003. Turismo Sustentável e Meio Ambiente, São Paulo; Editora Atlas.
ADRAT. 2006. Gestão de turismo e intepretação da natureza nas áreas classificadas do Alto Tâmega. AgroNatur. Programa Leonardo da Vinci – Projecto InNature, Associação de Desenvolvimento da Região do Alto Tâmega (disponível em http://project-agronatur.com/pages/page16/pt_actualizacoes1.pdf)