Training and Report

Base Knowledge

Students should have the first year of the course completed to have the breadth of knowledge desired to suitabily understand the main subjects of the field and their relevance for research

It is also recommended that the course on Research Methodologies to have been concluded, since it prepares students speficially for this research work

Teaching Methodologies

Being a non-teaching course, the traditional “teaching method” is not applicable

Students will have the support of a supervisor, who sould periodically meet and provide feedback, but mostly they will be doing their research independently

Learning Results

The main goal of this course is to provide students a more direct contact with the organizational context in which the graduate
student will employ the recently acquired knowledge by performing a role. The graduate student is expected to create value for the organization, namely by using innovative approaches and new management tools.

It is intended that students develop the following skills:
– autonomy and proactivity
– research ability

– critical thinking
– scientífic writing
– public speaking


Being a non-teaching course, there is no traditional syllabus. Each student will study a specific topic of their own.

Each student must submit a research proposal including:
i. Justification of the study
ii. Goals and desired results
iii. Theoretical framework
iv. Methodology
v. Proposed structure of the final work
vi. Research schedule
vii. References

The research proposal will then be assessed by the Master Dregree’s Scientific Comittee and, should it be approved, validated by the Scientific Council of the school.

If the proposal is approved, the student must then carry out the proposed research plan. The final work should be structured as follows:
i. Introduction
ii. Literature Review
iii. Methodology
iv. Applied study
v. Discussion
vi. Conclusions
vii. References

Curricular Unit Teachers




The references are specific for each Internship and Report, in accordance with the theme chosen