Training for Instructors

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methodology aims to be predominantly active and participatory in the sense of building knowledge, giving students the opportunity to develop skills and strategies in a work of individual and also collaborative investment.

The evaluation will respect the provisions of the IPC’s Regulation and is of periodical type. It contemplates the individual pedagogical simulation and other works developed in the course to verify the domain of educational objectives and enhancement of teaching skills.

Final Evaluation follows the RFPIF (IEFP 2012).



Learning Results

This Curricular Unit will allow the student to be able:

– To understand the trainer’s role in the training system and to define the desirable competence profile;

– To plan, develop and evaluate training units;

– To self-evaluate oneself in the context of training, given the range of desirable skills;

– To develop a constructive analysis that can contribute to the improvement of training systems, both in technical and pedagogical and/or organizational terms.


Module 1 – Trainer: System, Contexts and Profile

Module 2 – Initial Pedagogical Simulation

Module 3 – Communication and Group Dynamics in Training

Module 4 – Pedagogical Strategies and Methodologies

Module 5 – Operationalisation of Training: From Plan to Action

Module 6 – Educational Resources and Multimedia

Module 7 –  Collaborative and Learning Platforms

Module 8 – Training and Learning Evaluation

Module 9 – Final Pedagogical Simulation

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Pedagogical Objectives (30%) + Teaching Skills (30%) - 60.0%
  • - Intervention Pedagogical Project - 30.0%
  • - Initial Pedagogical Simulation - 10.0%




Ceitil, M. (2010). Gestão e desenvolvimento de competências. Sílabo

Dias, A e Gomes, M. (Coord.)(2004). E-learning para E-formadores. Guimarães: TecMinho

Ferrão, L. ; Rodrigues, M. (2012). Formação pedagógica de formadores. Lisboa: Lidel

Ferreira, P. (2007). Guia do animador na animação de adultos. Barcarena: Presença.

Osório, A. (2005). Educação Permanente e Educação de Adultos. Lisboa: Inst.Piaget.

Pozo Delgado, P.del(2013).Formação de Formadores. Lisboa: Editora Escolar

Stuart, R. (2000). Jogos para Formadores: Desenvolvimento de Equipas. Lisboa: Monitor


Alves, M.; Ketele, J. (2011). Do currículo à avaliação, da avaliação ao currículo. Porto: Porto Editora

Antunes, M. (2005). As novas competências dos professores e formadores. Revista Formar, 52

Bárbara, L, (2009). Métodos e Técnicas Pedagógicas/Andragógicas. Ed. FCA – Teto de Nuvens