Training Placement

Base Knowledge


The professional internship is a terminal course of the study plan for which it is recommended to have basic knowledge of all the courses of the degree’s study plan.

Teaching Methodologies

The internship work will be supervised by two supervisors. An external supervisor, belonging to the company/institution where the internship period will take place, and an internal supervisor, a teacher at ESAC. Both supervisors will play an active role in supporting the student’s work and in preparing the final internship report.


Learning Results


1. complement the academic training of students

2. student contact in training with the professional reality of the world of work.

3. application and integration the knowledge acquired in the remaining curricular units of the degree to concrete situations, seeking solutions autonomously.

4. development of working capacity, both in teams and autonomously, and the ability to communicate and synthesize information in a written report to be presented and defended before an evaluation jury.



This course has no syllabus since what is intended is the application of the syllabus of the other curricular units of the degree.

If, for the work to be developed by the student, subjects not yet covered are necessary, the student will be guided in this direction by the teacher responsible for monitoring the student’s work (internal supervisor).


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Prova Pública: Defesa Estágio
  • - Avaliação pela Empresa/Instituição do estágio - 35.0%
  • - Avaliação da apresentação e discussão pública - 35.0%
  • - Classificação do relatório escrito - 30.0%




To be applied according to the subject and work area to be developed during the internship.