Training Placement

Teaching Methodologies

The work of the students will be guided by two supervisors. The external supervisor, belonging to the organization where the training placement take place, and the internal supervisor, a teacher. Both play an active role, in helping the student during the training period and during the writing of the report. Besides writing the report, the student will also have to make a public oral presentation of the work carried out. Both the report and the presentation will be graded by a jury composed of three teachers. One of the teachers will be the president of the jury, one will be the student’s internal supervisor and on will play the role of examiner, making questions about the report and the work carried out during the training placement. The final grade will be a weighed average of the grades of the wok carried out, the report and the oral presentation.

Learning Results

The goal of the Training placement is to allow students to have a first contact with labor. During the training placement, students should be able use the knowledge acquired in the courses they attended, applying them to real world problems and situations, in an
autonomous way. It is also intended that students develop other skills which will be of use to them during their careers, like the team work and communication


Due to its nature, this course doesn’t cover any specific subjects. It is intended that students use and apply the subjects covered in other courses. However, if for a particular situation a subject which has not yet been covered is needed, the student will be guided in learning it. This guidance is provided by the training placement supervisor of the student.

Grading Methods

Training Assessment
  • - Presentation adn discussion of the report - 35.0%
  • - report - 30.0%
  • - work during training - 35.0%




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